My uniform

Then I went to help my mom. I know she doesn't need my help but I'll just go to her and stand there. Giving a little company is also a kind of helping right?

Y/N: "Mom! Do you need any help?"

Y/M: "No, thanks. Go and wait for me in the dining area I'll bring the food."

Y/N: "Okay!"

Then I went to the dining room and saw my dad doing something God knows what. I don't even bother to greet him as he always gives me a sharp look as if I have done something forbidden by greeting him. Anyway why bother my smart brain thinking about him. I'm hungry right now. Just then my mom entered the room with food.🤤🤤

Y/M: "See how irresponsible your daughter has become, she doesn't even help me in anything. I have to do all the work. She can't even get her food from the kitchen for herself."

I gave a 'not this drama again' look to my mom, then started eating my breakfast. After finishing up I wore my shoes on and left for work.

I walk to my workplace. It takes about 45 mins to walk but I enjoy walking because the route in which I go to work is peaceful and full of greenery. It helps me relax sometimes, sometimes it gives me comfort when I feel like crying.

As I reached the hospital I was greeted by my coworker daisy. She's a good friend to say. I'm not close to anyone because of my trust issues. But she understands me well

Daisy: "Y/N! I missed you."
She came running to hug me.

Y/N: "It's just 3 days. What is there to miss."
She gave me a boring look and said
Daisy: "But I missed you roasting that old lady's grandson."

There's an old lady about 60 years admitted to hospital with cancer. She's recovering well and I don't know why she always requests for me to be her nurse. But she has an annoying grandson. He always flirts with the staff here that includes me. But he doesn't like the fact that he gets roasted by me. So he tries to annoy me and pushes my patience to the edge of the cliff. As a professional we should not react in any negative way. That's the only reason he gets to live, if not I would have killed him or maybe castrate him.

Y/N: "Ugh!! Don't even mention him, even hearing about him makes me want to choke him.."

???: "That's my job to do, baby. Don't you think so?"
He suddenly appeared from the back which startled me a little. But I quickly composed myself.

Y/N: "I better hang myself than chocked by you. Don't you ever get tired of flirting constantly? It may be fun for you but it's irritating to others."

???: "That's what you say but I can prove you otherwise. "

Y/N: "How?"
Then he walked past me to daisy

???: "What do you think my daisy darling? Am I irritating you?"
Then daisy started to blush and looked down at her feet smiling to herself. I rolled my eyes and walked past them.

I went to the grandma as she requested me because she said she missed me

Y/N: "Hello Mrs. Park! How are you feeling today?"
Mrs. Park: "How many times do I have to mention not to call me that. Call me grandma, you are like a granddaughter to me. I miss my daughter-in-law. You remind me of her so much. She used to care for me the same way you do."
Y/N:" Ok grandma now tell me how are you feeling today?"
Mrs. Park: "After seeing you here I'm feeling much better."
She smiled sweetly, just then her grandson entered the room.
Mrs. Park: "Jimin, have you asked the management about what I said to you?"
Jimin: "Yes grandma. At first they said they can't but you know me I'll get anything for you."
Seeing my confused face Mrs. Park laughed and said
Mrs. Park: "We want to take you to our home country dear. So I told Jimin to ask the management for permission."
Shocked is an understatement right now. I'm angry, shocked, confused, and Surprised.

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