19. Lost

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I was reading some business reports which got piled up due to the urgent business. My business was running smooth in my absence but that is the reason why I am concerned.

I was expecting 0.15% growth in the company's profit by the end of last week but, clearly it's not the case! If the expected profit marks were reached then the business won't be running just smoothly! People would have been running here there with all kinds of files, receiving offers for various dealings and many more.

Since I have returned, its safe to say my employees are having a hard time keeping up, either with work or me. I am making them do double shifts and also the threats to deduct their bonuses have become quite common now.

I have closed myself in my office ever since I returned. I had drowned myself in work so that wasteful things which decreases my productivity can't hinder my work.

And that things absolutely don't include the memories shared with a certain raven haired man. Most definitely not!

Moreover the most unfortunate event happened to me was last week, just a day after I returned.

I had to attend a funeral.

And speak for the person who died! This is insane! That person has rested in peace, now let us have peace as well!

What can anyone get by speaking some false good words for the person who can't even hear you. Such a frivolous profligate act.


"Ms. Smith, you asked for the file." My not so efficient and responsible secretary entered.
My arctic eyes zeroed on him, and he shifted in his position.

"Indeed Mr. Wright, but that was 45 seconds ago. Your inefficiency won't be tolerated next time." This arctic temperament of my voice has become regular.

He was rooted in his spot. He opened his mouth and then closed it, he repeated the process few times while I continued reading the business reports.

"Tyrant!" A very quiet whispered hiss reached my ears.

He came forward, securing the place of the file on the table while mumbling it won't happen again, with a lot less conviction than I expect from my employees.

He turned and walked towards the door.
"I would appreciate the title and the benefits which come along with it."

His steps slowed.

"Being Tyrant is good as that way you can make people work without paying them salary." My words froze him before he could exit.

"S-Sorry mam, d-didn't..I.." He stuttered, searching for anything to cover up. Too late.

"Why sorry, Mr. Wright?" I cocked my head slightly.
"Don't be. I took it as a compliment." He tried to understand the meaning of my words, or rather any probability of upcoming job endagering threat.

"Yeah, we both appreciate such titles."  A cool familiar voice broke the silent cold atmosphere of the room.

"Mr. Williams! Good morning sir." My secretary started nodding frantically. My eyes narrowed at his action, I don't appreciate my employees fearing anyone other than me!

"You may go now, Mr. Wright. I have some important matters to discuss with your boss." His voice was commanding. What does he think of himself! Ordering my employees like that!

The so called secretary of mine started moving. A muscle in my cheek twitched.
"Stop!" He froze once again. This time not because of my words but the sharp icy tone my words were thrown with.

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