17. Uncovering Secrets

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I was watching them with clenched jaw.

How dare he! She is my wife! Doesn't matter fake or real! And what the hell she was thinking while agreeing for a dance!?
Doesn't she know it could ruin our cover as a beautiful couple!

That man leaned towards her, that's enough!

I stood up from my position and started walking towards them.
But before I could actually get there and get my wife back, someone came to the stage and the dancing crowd dispersed.

Without paying attention to what the speaker was speaking about I spotted her and went in the way towards her.

She was alone, I pulled her by arm and led us towards an isolated corner of the ballroom.

Without any warning, I pushed her against the wall and kissed her forcefully!

It felt like I wanted to punish her, I was disappointed! How can she agree to dance with any other man!

After a long time we parted.

"What was that?" She asked throwing her signature glare at me.
"A reminder that you are my wife." I stared at her with the same intensity.

"Fake wife." She corrected, which irked me more.
Before I could say something in response, she pulled me close and turned us swiftly, now I was the one pressed against the wall!

I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Then you should be reminded of that as well." And then she forced her lips on mine. Punishing, passionate and absolutely wonderful.

I responded equally.

While we were punishing each other, she took my hand and I felt cold metal sliding my finger!

She broke the kiss, "Now, you would never forget. As well as the others." She said looking somewhere. Following her gaze I spotted Mrs. Morin's daughter whose name I couldn't remember anymore.

I smirked.
"My my Ms. Smith, are you by any means... jealous?" My eyes twinkled, for some reason it felt great.

Her head snapped at me and she threw her cold arctic glare my way.
"Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Williams. It's just a measure taken to ensure the security and secrecy of the cover we are in." She said with such a deceptive confidence, that I believed it.

But if we are talking about maintaining the secrecy of the fake identities then I can't let her handle it single handedly now, can I?

I swiftly shifted our positions and pulled her more close.
Our bodies touching.

"Then let me do the honor as well." Saying that I took her hand in mine and slid the ring which I had bought for our cover.

She looked at the ring then at me.
"When did you bought it?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"The same time when you bought it." I said pointing to the ring on my finger.

"But I thought you didn't like spending money on wasteful things Ms. Smith?" I quirked my brow at her, smirking inside.

"That's true. But this was a necessity." She said with such a chilled tone which made me make a note to self. She really hate spending money!

"Necessity to buy a real diamond and platinum ring?" I really am curious.

"Ofcourse not." She said dismissing my question.
"This sure looks like a diamond platinum ring but it is not." She answered.

Aah! Now I understand! It's a relief that I was not wrong, otherwise it might have given me a lifetime shock that she really spent money on a ring and that even for temporary use!

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