9. Attack

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I sat in my office, quite unsure where to look for dad. He had been gone for hours! It's past lunch time already!

A tired sigh left me, "Come in." I said with my usual temperament.
"Sir, Mr. Williams returned just now."

Upon hearing the information, I sprang up from the chair.
"Is he in the office?"
"Yes sir, he was talking to someone on call, maybe he is available now." She replied thoughtfully.

I nodded and left my office.
As soon as I reached the door of his cabin. Voice of my father reached my ears, conversating with someone, more like instructing.

"I need a clear and regular report. I won't tolerate any misinterpreted information or any loopholes." He commanded over phone!

"Reports on what dad?" I questioned, barging in.
He seemed to get surprised. The call was already disconnected. He turned to me, and replied calmly,"Nothing, just some business." I let the matter be for the time being.

I have more pressing matters in present!
"Dad where you went with the very old files? The files dated 10 years back." I directly let it out, without beating around the bush!

That took him by surprise. He was quiet for a moment.
Then with a straight face came a reply, "I can't possibly understand what you mean Adrien."

"Not again dad! You can't possibly avoid this forever!"
He simply raised his brow in question. I am done with this!

"Dad! Since the conversation we had on Sunday, I am having a feeling that you are hiding something from me! I don't know what it is but it is there! And now after this I am hundred percent sure!"
I raised my voice a little, I can't seem to play along anymore! I let it all out. My anger, frustration everything.

His eyes softened for a moment, then it was all gone. Masked with expression of cluelessness, it irked me more!

"I am really sorry son, if you felt that way. But there is nothing I am hiding from you!" He said the last sentence with such innocence which could be deceptive.

I sighed in defeat, "Fine! I can't force you tell me what it is. But isn't knowledge power dad? Why don't you provide me with it so I could help you, if I may?"

He looked at me, I was searching for something, anything which could give away what he was hiding, but it's my dad we are talking about! He is far better than me at masking his true expressions, almost like someone... Uh focus!!

"Knowledge is not always power Adrien. For some it's dangerous."
He said looking somewhere, almost like trying to convey something. I tried getting through the meaning of his words, but failed eventually!

Just when I was about to say something, my phone rang! It could not have found any better time, could it!

"Ms. Miller, I am busy now." Just when I was about to disconnect,
"Sir, we received a call from Mr. Grayson!" She said hurriedly in a desperate tone. Enough for me to convince its important!

"What for?"
"The site where factory is going to be set up, is selected and approved by him. He wants you and Ms. Smith to visit and finalize so work could be started from tomorrow."

"It can wait." Before she could say anything, I disconnected. This is the last thing for me to worry about!

Just when I was again going to start an argument with my very dear dad, who I might add has suddenly started hiding things from me, I was again interrupted!!

I answered the call, frustrated.
"Ms. Miller, I told you I am busy now!" I said in a high tone, clearly getting irritated!
The other side cleared throat, "Sorry to inform but this is Grayson speaking, Mr. Williams."

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