6. Lead

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We walked inside. Eyes searching for a certain brown haired man.

"There, near the bar." I informed in a low tone. Jack swiftly started moving towards him.
"Wait!" I commanded. He instantly stopped in his tracks and looked at me with questioning eyes.

"He is surrounded with far too many people. Let's wait and observe. We will act when the time is right." I stated.
He opened his mouth to argue but stopped on seeing the look I threw his way. The look which clearly says what I say goes!

After nearly wasting precious twenty minutes, we saw that man walking towards the washroom.
"It's the time!" I said and walked calm but quick steps following him. Jack also following behind.

"You go the other way." I commanded. He nodded and followed the instruction.

Parker was just going to open the washroom door, when I placed my hand on the knob.
He looked at my hand and his gaze followed my arm reaching up to my face.

I saw recognition and confusion in his eyes! He quickly covered it and tried to act confident and oblivious. I mentally scoffed at his pre-failed attempt.

"Do someone as beautiful as you, have a reason to stop me like this miss?" He asked.
"Yes." My voice was cold.
"Infact a very valid reason, Mr. Henry Parker!" I slightly smirked. His eyes went wide. Fear was clear in his eyes. Still he tried to cover it! Poor soul.

"H-How y-you.." He trailed, unable to form proper words.
"What? That how I know your real name?" I tilted my head to one side.

He moved in haste to take out some weapon. I stopped his hand from reaching there and twisted it, placing one arm on his throat, choking him, and other holding his twisted arm.

"Don't try to be oversmart now, Mr. Parker. I just want you to coordinate with me." I tightened my hold on him and suddenly Jack came into sight.

Handing Parker to him, I moved towards the back exit.
"When he decides to act cordially, inform me!" I said in a voice so harsh, which clearly was a sign I want it done very soon. After giving Parker one last look, I turned and walked out.

Settling in my car, I took the gun out and placed it once again in the dashboard. I rubbed my temple, one task done! Now the other being These Williams!

"Yes Mam?" The call was answered in a ring.
"I want you to re-investigate about the Williams! And this time both. The father and the son!" Saying that I disconnected the call.

I turned on the ignition and was off to road in no time.

"Is it possible that this is some other game, he is playing!? His son meeting me, then the deal? Is it really some plot!?" I thought and thought, making too many combinations of possibilities in my head.

"If it is, then what could he possibly want now! After breaking my and my family's trust! After ruining us!!" My thoughts took a dangerous different turn!

My hold on steering wheel tightened. Knuckles which were already lightly bruised, turned white. I felt slight pain, and I eased my whitening knuckles, to prevent the bruises and cuts from going wider!

I should punch the bag light, not hard.

"No! No! No mom!" I shouted, tired. I can't believe this!! My father was right! I did underestimated her! She had a list prepared for suitable brides! Really!!?

"Adrien! Just have a look! I am sure you would agree to meet atleast one among these!" She persisted. I was going to respond.

"Oh wait! Now I get it!" She exclaimed regretfully!?
"Y-You do?" I asked unsure.
"Yes definitely!" She nodded solemnly.
Narrowing her hazel eyes, "You are already seeing someone!" She announced! I went still, trying to process!

"And you didn't care to tell me!!" She shouted, disappointed! My lack of ability to process words for the situation is doing me no good! Rather this is catering in making things complicated!!

I finally decided to speak! I opened my mouth to speak but my mother being my mother beat me to it!

"Now! Let's forget what has happened!" Really? Please Let's!
"You are bringing that girl to dinner tomorrow! No excuses!!" She declared!

Now before she could take this far than already it has been dragged, I spoke, "Mom! There is no one!" I raised my voice a little in a desperate attempt to assert the truth! Giving her no chance to speak I continued!

"I don't want to see those pictures because I don't want to settle in near future!" I saw mom's glare, "Or atleast for now!"
"I am not ready!" I concluded, both to myself and her. A tired sigh left me.

I walked towards my mom and took her hands in mine, " And believe me mom, when I will find the right one, you will be the first one to know that." I stated softly, maintaining an eye contact.

She looked at me and sighed in defeat, "Fine! This time you win."
"But! The first one to know better be me, young man!"

I chuckled softly, "As you command, your highness!" I bowed dramatically!

The three of us had dinner, enjoying a great family time! Something I missed for so long!

I was just taking a stroll in the garden, when dad joined me.
"Today, you were lucky!" He said, grumpy!
A light laugh left me, "Nah dad! That's called persuasion skills! Something you lack! I can teach you though!" I said. A mocking smile playing on my lips.

He scoffed, "Someone is being overly overconfident today!"

Later we had some business discussions, about the recent board meeting and so on. After quite a time, mom also joined, she told about the next exhibition her art gallery is going to conduct.

In meanwhile, I drifted back to some memories. For a long time, we were able to survive because of her artistic skills! If she would not have come up and stand strong, we would not have re-established our businesses! She is a strong lady!

Dad and me love her for that! When dad lost every hope, she was the one to stand strong and be that hope for her family! Every time dad thinks or talks about it, I see adoration and proud in his eyes!

"Adrien? What are you thinking about?" Mom called, bringing me out of my own thoughts!
"Uh, nothing mom. Just the usual to do list." I lied.
"Give yourself a break! You should not always just think about work and all." She scolded.

"I will try mom." I said and noticed the time on my wrist watch.
"Mom, dad, I guess I will take my leave now!" I announced.
"Alright, come visit soon!" My mom hugged me.

"Let me walk you to the parking area." Dad said, something in his voice sounding strange.
"Well there is no need dad.." I was just declining when I met his eyes. They looked normal but still something in them felt serious! So I didn't argue and after saying mom one last bye, we walked towards parking area.

"There was a meeting with certain Smith, wasn't it?" He asked, his voice a little hesitant and doubtful!?
"Yeah, Laurel Smith it is. World's Richest Billonare!" I couldn't help but remember how that title was supposed to be mine quite a time ago! I am adamant to have it again in my own possession!

He was shocked, "Laurel!!"
I blinked in confusion.
"Do you know her dad?" I asked
He ignored the question and asked his own, "Why am I not aware of this!?" It sounded more like if he is asking himself!

"You didn't knew because you and mom went on a holiday trip." I dutifully reminded him.
He looked at me, in my eyes. And after some time he shook his head.

"Dad, is something wrong?" I asked concerned.
"No, everything is fine!" He said, and with a visit often, turned and left.

Is..is dad hiding something from me?
Hello again everyone!
I hope this chapter wasn't boring! There are lots of plot twists and turns coming in next chapters! So this was just an insight to our male protagonist's family life!:)

Hope you liked it!:)

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