1. Anniversary

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Andrew Pov:
I knocked on the door of almighty Laurel Smith. When I heard enter in a cold voice, I entered.

"Mam, we received an invitation this morning from Mr. And Mrs. Brown. They have invited you to join their 25th Anniversary Celebration Party." I informed in a very professional tone.

Her cold grey eyes which were till reading a file were now focused on me! Well, it's been 4 years working for her but still it makes me uncomfortable and sometimes... fear.

"The ones we sealed textile deal with?" She asked in her usual cold voice, very minutely raising her eyebrow. Why everything about her is cold!? Can't she spare her smart and efficient secretary from her coldness!

"Yes mam!" I quickly responded without wasting any time.

"When?" She enquired coldly.
"This Friday mam!" I dutifully informed.

She nodded, "Give them conformation that I will be there."
"Okay mam." I responded.
"And there's one more thing, you have to take a date with you." I hesitantly informed her.

And... her eyes became more colder!

"Is it? Fine then, you would also be coming with me." She said. I almost lost my balance! What!? I had gone with her on so many formal occasions and it's not a problem but that day... all my colleagues are planning to go to club and enjoy and I want to go with them too!!

I looked at her, and now she had shifted her focus back to business file! I sighed in my mind! It's not like I have a choice!
I left her office and went back to mine.

After replying to some emails, organizing all the files, and so on, I am finally at rest! I relaxed at my chair, and thought about my recent transfer from London to New York. When I joined my work 4 years ago I was very inexperienced and unprofessional, but in these years I learned so much and became efficient.

Well, it's not like I had a choice back then! My very strictly cold boss would've fired me, but luckily I managed well. And about shifting to New York, I wanted a change. So I thought it would be great to move to New York with my boss, and besides I have learnt so much from her, from dealing with clients to managing different things at a time and what not!

And I plan to learn more from her, so not to leave this precious opportunity I came here.

Suddenly intercom buzzed, "Mr. Wright, arrange a meeting with Peirce and Co. to discuss about finalizing the airlines deal, also bring that file to my cabin, now!"
"Okay mam!" I responded.

Well, enough of relaxation I think, it's time to go back to work!
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Maria Pov:
I was sorting business files into most important, important and least important ones. This is something I learned in my almost 4 years of working experience under employ of my Mysterious Boss Adrien Williams, that it is the best way to organize them.

Then I settled at my desk and checked for any new mails.
Oh, there's one invitation! I opened it as I can't send it to
Mr. Williams right away. And that's because I am strictly ordered for the past years under the almighty's employ that only very important mails related to business work from business clients should be passed to him.

So here I am, reading the mail! It's an invitation from Mr. And Mrs. Brown for the celebration party of their 25th Anniversary.
Hm, as long as I remember these are the ones who promised to seal textile deal with us, but actually sealed the deal with Zeal Group of Industries!

It was very unprofessional!! Not only deal but Ms. Laurel Smith, The Owner and Chief Executive Officer of Zeal, took away the title of Richest Billonare on planet from The Unbeatable Adrien Williams!! Incredible!

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