22. Shielded Doors

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"I..." I listened with all anticipation.

"I learned climbing ropes when...I was working as a cleaner." I frowned. Since when cleaners need to learn to climb up and down the ropes?

"Cleaner in a factory. Whose job is to clean up the chimney full of toxic hazardous chemicals." There was no sign of drunkenness in her facial features. Her face still remained stony but her eyes....they told a different story.

I just couldn't digest the information she not so easily let out.

"W-Were you alright? Did it harm your health?" I couldn't help but ask. My worry and care taking over me.

She scoffed, which was a reminder to me that indeed she was in an inebriated state.

"Far from alright, Mr. Williams." Her voice was cold. "And about health then I did caught some kind of health problem. But fortunately it was not that serious." Her reply came out colder than before.

Her eyes were so deep as if replaying a picture. I....have no words to describe what I was thinking or feeling at this moment.

"Factory owners are not allowed to do that! Isn't it? It is illegal." Did you get a health check-up? I wanted to ask. But just could manage the words which were most apt for the situation.

"Everything is legal in this world, Mr. Williams." Her voice was neither cold nor normal. It was plain. Speaking the truth from experiences .

There was a sudden ache in my heart. Picturing a girl fighting the whole world on her own. With no one to trust, no one to rely upon.

I really wonder how a 13 year old have made her mind so resilient to adversities, so strong to never bow down.

Even working in the darkest hours of her life, with no light to be seen. Still she made her goal her own light, with steel determination to make it a reality.

Respect for her bloomed in my chest.

"About knowing the elevator mechanism. I used to be a daily worker for a company which built and inserted lifts." She explained answering my next question.

"And what about jumping and pulling stunts like that?"

She straightened. Doing what she is best at, maintaining silence!

"I asked you something." I probed. She cleared her throat.

"Some things are not meant to be learnt but just do when the time comes." I was in a state of surprise. Does she mean she did that all on instinct?

"No. Not on instinct. But mathematically realistic probability of it being successful." Do I always speak my thoughts out loud?

"No, not everytime. It just happens when I am around." This woman! Even being intoxicated she manages to be that cold, calculative, ruthless CEO that she is!

"Oh? And what about using gun? Does it happen to you when I am
around?" My tone was sarcastic and curious, but mostly sarcastic.

She placed a finger on her chin, thinking deeply.

"You might say so. Apparently I have to use my gun frequently when you are around." She paused looking at me.

"I wonder if a day would come when I can use it on you." I stiffened. Did she just gave me a death threat!? Just how much she hates my presence!

I narrowed my eyes at her, "I wonder the same, Ms. Smith. Same. Just the gun wouldn't be pointed at me, rather opposite I say." I countered.

In response she gave me a smug expression.

Hey! What she is trying to portray here! I am as capable as killing people as she is!

That's not something to be proud of!

I don't care. If she can be proud of such a thing, I can as well!

And on the top of everything, she decided to give me an expression now! The woman who didn't 'wasted' her expressions even in the dangerous situations, now is using them in full force!

Not to add just to belittle me!

"You look cute." Her words caught my attention. She was staring at me, I blinked.

She shook her head and sliding down the bed, walked towards me.

"I said you look cute. Anger suits you." She smiled lightly. Words stopped registering in my mind and my world stopped right there.

Her smile. Last time I saw her smiling with that ruthless glint in her eyes, I never wanted her to smile again. But now? This is so surreal.

She looks so raw, unprotected, without any shielded doors with iron locks. This smile is beautiful in every sense.

My hand on its own accord reached her face, my thumb caressing her soft skin. Her eyes were curious looking at me.

And before I knew it I placed my lips on hers.

This time it was not rough, rather slow and soft. She responded in the similar sense. It was like we both were trying something to convey to eachother which we couldn't put in words.

I pulled her closer to me, and she wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss.

In the very middle of it, I suddenly lifted her in my arms.
A surprised gasp left her, and I took this opportunity to push my tongue inside.

After fighting the battle of dominance and winning at it, I walked towards the bed, never breaking the contact of her lips with mine.

I placed her down and removing her arms around me, I pulled away.

She frowned.

"Go to sleep." A little smile was playing on my lips for some reason unknown to me.

"That's not fair! I-" I shut her up with another kiss.
After breaking the kiss which took long, I finally stood up.

"Good night." Bending down one last time, to give a peck on her forehead I finally took my leave.

"Good night, Mr. Cheater." I heard her say when I was at the door. For some reason it made a smile settle on my face.

I walked out and entered my room, a safe place. A sigh escaped me.

"I wonder if you would remember anything tomorrow Laurel." With that thought in mind, I decided to take a cold shower. A very cold one.

A string of thoughts of today's events and a cold shower later, I came out drying my hairs in front of mirror.

I noticed a slight smile staying on my face throughout. What is it so good that I can't stop smiling like that!?

I shook my head and wiping that stupid smile from my face, I walked towards the bed to put an end to all these thoughts and let my mind have a break.

I switched off the lights, and finally made myself comfortable under the blanket.

I closed my eyes and just in a while shot them open!

Something very important clicked!

Damn! She is so clever. Even in the drunk state she manages to manipulate the situation in her favor!

She very skillfully diverted the conversation and very smoothly prevented herself not to answer my question!

She avoided telling me how she know to use guns!
Czesc dear readers!

That was a sneak peak into our Ms. Smith's early life. I hope it made you more curious about her past. ;)

And indeed our Ms. Smith is very clever, she just didn't made Mr. Williams wonder about her knowing guns but our dearest readers as well...isn't it?

Yours manipulative author :)

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