S 1 ep 3 / Save me

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" please just leave me alone ! You said while yelling at him " someone else walks in the room , Enzo stop torturing her she had enough She said while looking at you " W-ho is you said while stuttering " she smiled at you my name is Betty nice to meet you Luna she said while making her way towards me " who told you my name you said while looking at her , she laughed Kayden did silly " Enzo rolled his eyes ' she don't know his real name Betty but now she do because you told her ! He said while yelling omg I'm so sorry she said while looking at Enzo " don't say sorry to me you better say sorry to boss " then he walked out the room , I brought you some clothes go take a shower and get change I have to go bye now , she walked out the room and locked the door , Then you takes a nice hot shower then got changed ' then you realize you hungry because you didn't eat nothing all day , until someone walks back in the room you looks up and saw Kayden he just looked you up and down , what you want you said with a attitude ! Loose the attitude mi amor he said with a chuckle ' what you want you said while looking at him " don't get me wrong he looked so Fucking Hot with all black you said in your head " I came to let you know I will be Gone for a few hours I have to deal with business he said while looking at you " what kind of business you said while looking back at him ?? ' don't worry about it anyways see you later he said while making his way to the door " wait you said ! He turned around yes Luna he said with a calm voice ?? " I'm bored can I do something please Im tired of staying in this room please Kayden " as soon as you said his name he looked at you " who told you my name he said raising his voice a little ??
Umm Betty did you said in a low voice.... I can't hear you speak up he said " Betty did you said while looking at him " that bitch he said while walking out the room " wait you didn't give me a answer can I walk around ?? He turned back around I don't care but I swear if you try to escape I swear I will kill you in one heart beat understand he said while looking at you ?? Yes I understand and thank you Kaden " he ignore you and kept walking leaving the door open " then I walked out the room " and saw Enzo and Carlo " woah there missy they both said who let you out ?? " you smiled Kayden did thank god " Carlo looked at Enzo How the fuck she know boss name who told her he said while looking at Enzo ?? Betty did I tried to tell you bro Enzo said ! Anyways we have to go with boss we be back in a few hours ! Don't try anything dumb we still got other men here that will K*ll you if you did " Yeah yeah whatever you said while walking away from them both " then you walked into this dark room with A lot G*NS

 I can't hear you speak up he said " Betty did you said while looking at him " that bitch he said while walking out the room " wait you didn't give me a answer can I walk around ?? He turned back around I don't care but I swear if you try to escap...

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" but then you got Approach Hey someone said with a deep voice " My heart started beating fast ' turn around they commanded , so you turned around shaking with your hands up in the air " S-sorry you said facing them " he had dark hair hazel brown eyes Don't get me wrong he's hot also you said in your thoughts " Who you he said while pointing a G*n at you " I'm Luna you said while shaking a little " okay and I need more details from you he said while still pointing the G*n at you " I'm Luna Kayden knows me you said " I don't believe you so imma give my brother a call and see what he say " B-brother you said in shock " He raised his eyelashes yeah why " don't tell me y'all got something going on ?? " no never we don't even know each other really like that you say with a straight face "

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