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After saying his goodbyes to Irina, Lucifer left the castle, too afraid to stay any longer, lest he not leave at all. Beelzebub needed his help and Berith had been bothering him for some time about making a visit. It needed to be done, even if it was difficult.

He would be gone for a few days at most, but he planned to be back much sooner. He hated not only being away from Irina but out of his personal control. Not that he would ever admit this to any of his brothers but entering another Fallen's domain carried its own stress with it.

Lucifer controlled all of the underworld, but he did not control his brothers. They were creatures of their own free will and while they bowed to him and honored most of his decisions, it was not unheard of for them to rise up against the powers that be.

Beelzebub was careful and took his job seriously. Unlike most of the Fallen, he did not take breaks from his self-appointed duties and was a core pillar to the smooth running of Hell.

So, when he called upon Lucifer, he needed his help and would not wait. If Lucifer did not respond in a timely or appropriate manner, Beelzebub would do as he saw fit. Without hesitation. So far, Lucifer had not found issues with any of his brother's choices and rarely needed to be consulted on issues.

Beelzebub never met Irina, but he heard stories in the few moments he shared outside of his working hours. He knew how deeply the king cared for her, treating her as his own daughter, and tried his best to be compassionate for the situation. But demonic compassion can only stretch so far.

It was running thin. And he was not the only Fallen feeling its strain.


It was still early morning when Azazel came to collect Irina as he promised. It was the late morning of her 19th birthday, a day of happiness that she looked forward to in her formative years. Now, she was older and the novelty had worn off.

Each birthday was a reminder of what she did not have.

This birthday was different. For the first time, she would have what she had always longed for. Freedom- or at least in a sense of the word.

She would see what had been once hidden from her sight for so long!

Before Azazel had even reached the door or left his own room, Irina was already awake and dressed. Waiting on the edge of her bed with her feet kicking in excitement.

Her two favored snakes sulked on her wrists like bracelets, knowing she would leave them. Their shared whispers to each other sounded none too happy with the prospect of losing her for an entire day.

"Hush. It will be fine! I'll be home before you know it." She promised the small creatures, stroking their heads with her pointer finger.

She didn't know what stood before her on the other side of the castle walls. Into the outer reaches of her world but she was desperate to find out. To taste the smallest brush of freedom.

Azazel was less thrilled. However, his body was hot and itching to go to her. It was this nonstop sense of ants crawling over his skin and every time he thought about the promise he made to Lucifer, he wondered if he would regret it.

Irina... bothered him.

And yet voluntarily he offered himself up as her guide into the world.

Halo Of HornsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora