Chapter 10 - Fear

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The Gazel guy seemed really cool! He looked nice as well! That shiny armor and that big sword on his hilt! I wanna try something like that! [Grand Sage] Could you-

{No. Creating complex armor such as the one King Gazel was wearing would be infeasible. Devouring the armor is required to create replicas.}


These recent days have been so fun! I wanna know what else we'll be able to do!

It was getting dark so I headed back home, I got on the little hammock I made for myself and began to enter [Sleep Mode]. Reminds me how the first time Treyni saw me asleep by myself, she was so worried that she cause some sort of change in me but I just told her I figured out how to use her [Sleep Magic] to put myself to... sleep..... She was.... so impressed...........zzzzzzzzzz


I woke up the next day feeling refreshed! I got out of bed to check up on what was going on, I rushed outside, I did wanna see King Gazel, maybe he'll let me eat his armor just a bit. I wandered around and saw some of the Pegasus of the troops being put on a leash. They were so adorable! They also looked like they had a bunch of magicules as well! They had those gravity defying wings after all. As I stared more at the Pegasus, I suddenly felt a bit... hungry... I dunno why but staring at the horseys made me hungry... I wonder what Pegasus tastes like... maybe like the Unicorns? Maybe these ones actually taste like rainbows? Been a while since I last used [Predation]... just... just one horsey wouldn't bother anyone right?

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT! RIMURU!" I suddenly felt a bunch of vines wrap around me. I looked around and saw Doris? Oh, was she the one to watch me today? She seemed panicked? Did she know?

"Rimuru, don't eat the Pegasus!" Aw she knew!


"NOPE! HERE! LET'S FIND YOU SOMETHING ELSE TO EAT!" Awwwwww but I wanted to copy the Pegasus!!!

I let out a sigh as she quickly dragged me away. I wonder...


From my shadow, my trustworthy buddy had appeared, much to Doris's annoyance. Ranga but the vines that bound me and lifted me onto his back! Let's go Ranga!

"Giddy up! I wanna try Pegasus!"


Before Ranga dashed away, Doris had covered him in vines.


Wait, he does? He does!

"Ranga! Let's get to Gazel!"

"YES MASTER! TO THE SHADOWS!" Me and Ranga went into the shadows away from Doris's vines, TOWARDS KING GAZEL!


I was busy eating some food with King Gazel, I didn't know much about the Dwarves after all...

We were busy eating with the Elder as well, Treyni was with us and Trya was off to the side still helping with the wall, but now we have some Dwarven soldiers helping with the rebuilding of the outer wall. Suddenly Doris teleported right next to us...

"Sister? Weren't you supposed to be watching Rimuru today?" Treyni asked, Doris seemed lost and confused.

"I was... then he went into the shadows after he tried to eat one of the Pegasus..." Treyni looked in concern, while me, the Elder, and King Gazel looked at her in sheer concern! What did she mean that Rimuru tried to eat one of the Pegasus?! Like literal!?

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