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FRI | 4:10 PM

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FRI | 4:10 PM

omg omg saw your igs
are you in booksie right now??? that's booksie right?

Yup, I'm looking for a book to give to my lolo. Any reco for the young at heart? He likes light romances.

i'm with kuya right nao
he's gonna take me home but 🤧
if you badly need reco
i can ask him to take me there andddd
i can show you my reco in personnnnn? 🤠🤡

Hahaha. Ask your kuya. I don't mind you joining.

i mean
hehe i asked
cominggggg 🤠🤧

Haha, ingat kayo, sweetie. Text me when you're here.


dear diary,

i saw ate milly today. again. we see each other often nowadays but i can't say it's because of coincidence coz, like, i make sure to check her ig everyday so i can talk to her and ask her out whenever i can hehehehe is that bad?

in my excuse, i really like her kasi, okay? i don't have a sister, so seeing my idol up close and spending time with her makes me super happy. she's also super kind and she always tells me to be kind even though the people around me piss me off most of the time. like my mom, but let's not talk about her today. this diary entry is not about her today. i love her, okay, but she frustrates me sometimes. like, not sometimes, but all the time, but like i said, let's not talk about her because today is for ate milly.

and kuya hehehehe.

after badgering kuya to take me to booksie, he was so surprised to see ate milly there. the look on his face was scary 😵 he glared at me so bad, but it was worth it because ate milly hugged me as soon as she saw me. i hid behind her so kuya can't dig holes in my skin with his laser eyes anymore, bleah.

anywayyyy, i toured ate around the ya section and showed her the books i liked. ate milly likes reading din pala, but not frequently nga lang. she mentioned her friends influenced her to read books daw.

we spent a bit of time looking for good books to buy for her lolo (she's so sweet, right? like me! i like my lolo too!) and kuya's like a shadow, or a puppy, whatever suits him best. hehe. he was following us quietly, and i could see him looking at the books that were catching his eye too. ate milly's talking to him from time to time to ask for his recos, but kuya's boring, as always. BOO. kept giving her business books, like what's up with that, right? so embarrassing.

ate milly did buy the books i recommended. all romance, and 1 fantasy trilogy in there :3 proud of me! yay, pat in the back there!

then after that, she treated us to coffee. there's a coffee shop inside the bookstore coz booksie's like, 5-storey tall and there's a cafe and pastry shop inside for people who wanna read their books din. super solid place, lemme tell you that, but let's go back to the topic because i'm getting carried away again.

anyway, back to the cafe.

ate milly ordered a cup of hot americano. so like, there's this kid who was kinda running around and he bumped into the waitress while she's giving us our orders. she poured the coffee on herself and ate milly's clothes. but ate, instead of worrying for herself, grabbed the glass of lukewarm water and poured it on the lady's hand. to avoid getting burned, i think. then she went with her to the rest room to make sure they can cool her hand off.

i. found. it. so. sweet. and. so. cool. of. her???

anyway, after that, the manager said sorry, and the mom of the boy said sorry, too. but ate's super nice about it and made sure the lady won't be reprimanded. said it was an accident, and everyone's fine, so everything's fine after that too. the cafe gave us free dessert to apologize :DDD

then, kuya asked if ate milly had a spare shirt with her coz hers was messed up na. ate said she'd buy from the store nearby na lang.... butttttt.....

here's where it got interesting 🤧

kuya told her to stay put. he left us and then when he came back, he was giving her his spare shirt na :DDDD

can. i. just. say?

ate milly looked so good in my kuya's oversized white shirt....


is it bad if i say i want them to be together so bad???? i think they'll look good together :DDD

but... idk if that's possible...

coz no one's saying anything but i can feel this awkward air between them since we joined her. i felt it when we arrived, felt it at the cafe, and even after kuya lent his shirt. kuya's avoiding looking at ate, more so after he gave her spare shirt... and ate naman, although she's talking to him from time to time, she looked like she's not comfortable too. like, she used to smile and tease a lot everytime she talked to him before, but today, she seemed. different? calm? idk how to describe it, but she's not talking to him like her usual self.

something's weird. something's definitely going on.

did they fight? problem at work?

idk. that's what i'm gonna find out today :D

we drove her home coz ate left her car at home pala. coding daw. but i have her tablet. she left it in the car, so i have an excuse to talk to her again!

so that brings me to my next mission! 🤡

brb. i'll update you when i get more info >:D

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