Chapter 5

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*Third Person POV*

Ri Gi had become very close with the idols, especially the rookies. She feels that she can be herself around them and vise versa. She visits the SM building as much as she can, everyday if possible. Seeing the idols never failed to make Ri Gi smile. Their personalities are one of a kind. (A/N: YES SIR, ONE OF A KIND xD) But she did get really close to two people in particular. Two boys that she can call her best friends.

Jeno. The sweet boy that always made Ri Gi feel safe. Throughout the weeks, Ri Gi has felt more comfortable around Jeno. But she still has the weird feeling in her heart whenever she saw him. Still, Ri Gi would dance with Jeno whenever they got bored. She learned a lot from him. Jeno was always by her side when she needed him. He'd comfort her, support her, and everything in between.

Mark. The adorable boy that helped Ri Gi become more comfortable in Korea. Since he's fluent in English, Mark would always translate for Ri Gi and even taught her some Korean! But he wasn't just a study buddy to Ri Gi, her was her best friend. She felt that she'd became closer to Mark more than anyone else. The would laugh, share secrets, and even mess with a few idols together. O_O They were close, and told each other everything. Well, almost. Ri Gi never told Mark about the feeling she had with Jeno. It would only make them awkward, and drift them apart. She didn't want to lose him, so she stayed quiet.

Ri Gi loved these boys very much. She never had friends that she felt so at ease with. But what she didn't know was that this three-way friendship, would cause Ri Gi emotions and experiences she never had before.

*Ri Gi POV*

I rushed to get ready. It's already 5:52 pm and I'm scared that I'm going to be late. Today, Jin Ri is going to take me and the rookies to the Han River. I was excited because I never got to really walk around the river. Which is surprising, especially since I've been here for almost a month. Anyway, I was getting ready since Jin Ri was picking me up at 6. I finished some touch-ups and ran downstairs. In the nick of time, I made it downstairs as Jin Ri arrived.

"I'm here!" I said, running to Jin Ri's car. I opened the door and noticed that she had already picked up the rookies.

"Hello!" They greeted me.

"Hey guys!" I said and got into the car.

We arrived at our destination. We got out and walked towards the river. It's so beautiful! I was speechless. I've never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. I couldn't take my eyes off the river. So much that I tripped. -__- I was ready to feel the cold concrete on my face but, nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw Mark holding me up.

"There goes our clumsy little Ri Gi-ah!" He said with a smile. His eyes sparkled. I got up and smacked his arm.

"Well thanks for catching me!" I said smiling back playfully. We continued to walk around. The sight never got old. We eventually sat down to rest and eat. The sun was setting and nightfall soon came before us. We still stayed, admiring the river's sight at night. It was even more breathtaking. I stared at the river, hypnotized by the beauty.

A gush of wind blew over us, causing me to shiver since I had no sweater. I secretly wrapped my arms around myself. Then a sudden warmness embraced me. I looked to my side, and saw that Jeno had wrapped his coat around me. "I saw that you were cold." He whispered, smiling. I smiled at his sudden sweet gesture.

We finally got in the car to leave. We sat in the car, enjoying the music. Mark then gently rested my head on his shoulder. Confused, I looked at him. He smiled. "I noticed that you looked tired." He whispered sweetly. I smiled and looked ahead, slowly drifting. That's when I noticed Jeno giving me a sort of frustrated look. I thought that something was bothering him that night, so I let it be. drifting to sleep.

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