Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)

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Y/n: ....I broke camp rules and couldn't stay, leave it at that. After that, with nowhere else to go, Roy and I made our way to Atlas.

Yang: Who's Roy?

Goodwitch: He was the one known as Arsenal, correct?

Y/n: Yeah... He was my brother... *Sigh* The two of us went to Atlas and got involved in the Black Mask incident shortly after we left the tribe.

I looked back as I continued since I was mostly telling this to the girls. Weiss obviously knew everything but there were a few details she didn't know, like my time with Raven. She knew as well as I did that the chances of me walking out of here were near nonexistent, even with all of my information. Now that Ozpin knew who I was, even if I did escape, there was nowhere to hide. 

Weiss: He and Roy both saved my life.... But Roy....

Y/n: Is dead...

Ruby and Yang realized what I must have felt in that moment. Ruby took a step towards me but Yang grabbed her by the shoulder, holding her in place. That gesture alone hurt me more than any physical wound that I could ever have. Yang looked at me and I saw in her eyes that she saw me as a monster. I narrowed my eyes at her and hardened myself. I expected this... You don't get to live a bad life and have good things happen to you.

Yang: So you just up and decide that you get to be judge, jury and executioner!? 



Ruby: YANG!!!

Ozpin: ENOUGH!

Ozpin slammed his hand on the desk. Goodwitch looked shocked at the display. I didn't pay him any mind and continued.

Y/n: You don't know what monsters are. You couldn't even comprehend a fraction of what I've seen...

Yang: Like what?

Y/n: How about a girl who not only looked like Ruby but was no older than her being raped. How about something more recent? The day of your initiation, I held children as they died because there wasn't anything I could do to help them aside from comforting them as they left. A luxury that not a lot of people get.

Yang reeled back a little as I laid into her. I was having a hard time keeping myself in check. At some point my hands started leaking lazarus energy, something that everyone noticed. Ruby slipped out of Yang's grip and practically tackled me in a hug. The poor girl was hurt and confused. Weiss and Blake looked between everyone in the room. Neither knew what to do here. 

I calmed down and stopped the energy from slipping out. Ruby reluctantly let go of me and stepped back a little. I smiled a little knowing that she still was the nice little girl from all that time ago. Now that I was calmed, I realized that what Ruby felt was ten times worse for Yang since she was actually old enough to remember everything. 

Ozpin: You've told us how, but your still yet to answer why you do this.

Y/n: Because you people can't be trusted.

Goodwitch: What do you mean?

Y/n: Huntsmen are not to be trusted. Tai played you all as fools and we suffered for it. Not only that, but then you people have the audacity to sit here and act like your infallible. Tell me, in the time since I got to Vale, what's the crime rate looked like.

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