Character INFO: Jerold O. Totsch

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Name: Jerold O. Totsch
Age: 23
Middle Name: Omar

Description: a tall Portuguese man, with caramel brown skin along with golden fade dreads tied in ponytail.
A purple Jacket (before it was taken) now replace with a white tang top with beige shorts and a belt.
Shoes: sandals and white air forces.

Eyes: Golden

Height: 6'3

Swords: Carrack Black Sword (1)
Name: Monsoon
Devil Fruit: Kaze Kaze the wind wind fruit.

A rare type of devil fruit that he somewhat found on the floor when he was a kid, he ate it thinking it was a apple because it look like one, and instantly regret it.

He took a bite into the mysterious apple, instantly regrets as he accidentally swallowed, the flavor forever stick onto his tongue.


Fears: fire

Will use this sword in the future chapters!

Attacks so far:
Gale Burst: by the wave of his hand, a wave of naked wind will sprout out in a crescent shape and attack the enemy.

Soar: by jumping will help him stay afloat in the air for a few minutes.

Air current Bazooka!: by placing his right hand infront making a 'ok' hand sign while his left hand holds onto the right to make an imitation of a bazooka canon. It will blast out big currents of wind and damage the enemy. But will take amounts of energy.

More attacks will come in further Chapters!

Not cannon yet attacks:

Tropical wind storm!: he forms a storm with his sword as he slash onto his enemy
Air Blast!: same as bazooka but less power
Air drop: he drops
Tempest Slash!: he slash with his sword as it sends out it wavelength of wind
Typhoon Spin: he spins fast causing a big typhoon, he slice his sword creating tiny balls of wind and throws at the enemy
Monsoon.: all wind goes into his sword as he carry the heaviest sword because of the weight of the wind and slash the enemy
Heavens Burst: he claps his hands infront of the enemy face and cause the both of them to fly backwards.
He claps his hands together creating a strong force of winds coming out and pushing the enemy back.

And that's all, more will come tho!

Thanks for reading.

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