Adventure Awaits!

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A normal day on the sunny, with the strawhats outside the green area doing their own thing, Brook asking Nami to see her panties, due to him being knocked and earn a big bump on his skull.


"Hello Nami-San, wonderful day isn't it?, so wonderful that my eyes seems to be shining, although I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO!" Brook laughs as he look up from the clear sunny sky, glad that he's still alive, Nami nods and smiled, Brook turn his head towards her and bend down to her height.
"May I take a look in you panties-"
"NO WAY!" Nami yelled, and left the scene.

The End of the POV:

Franky in his work room building and planning for a new mini ship to use for the future, Robin sitting on her lawn porch reading while Sanji passes her coffee, as Sanji twirls away in love.


"Robin-Chan~ I've brought your coffee and I added a strong and my whole love!" Sanji exclaims as he placed it down, Robin looked up from her reading and smiled at Sanji.
"Thank you, Sanji-San." And Sanji twirled away while saying "Mellorine~"

The End of the POV:

Chopper fishing with Brook after he got his big bump, Brook decided to fish with Chopper as he made some of his skull jokes. Sanji after delivering Robin her beverage went back to the kitchen to cook something for the ladies, but saw Zoro in the kitchen looking through the fridge.


"Tch Marimo what are you doing here?" He asked while the cigar in his mouth got brighter and puff some smoke out, Zoro stick his head out of the fridge, and was annoyed and looked directly at Sanji.
"There's no booze." His said nonchalantly.
"Yeah, that because I threw it all away because it seem to be taking up all the space in the fridge." Sanji said as he saw Zoro eyes widen in anger and he smirked "oops..? My bad I've forgotten you liked boozed." He said smugly.
He's not even sorry Zoro thought as he gritted his teeth, his hands clenched but he calms down.
"I don't have time dealing with a sick love machine like you." Zoro said as he walk past Sanji was taken aback from the comeback.

"Yeah! Well- I don't have time to deal with a lost Moss Monster like you!" He retort back and Zoro barks back.
"Eh?! What did you say crap-cook?!" He yells
"You heard me!" As they both started to fight in the kitchen, but it didn't end well due to Nami stopping them for being so noisy.

The End of the POV:

Anyways- Usopp plucking his freshly new seed from his seed garden (🍃🪴he smoking the zaza-) and felt a shake below him coming from the kitchen.
"Jeez when it's a quiet day, there's always monsters like them who has to ruin it." He grunted as he plucked his seeds and planted in new ones, then he heard a cheer below, he looked up from the balcony to see Chopper dancing with his new fish he caught and Brook praising him, he smiled and quickly planted his seeds and ran towards them. Nami just came out with her fist smoking and sighs.
"Her fist of love was so divine!~" Sanji voice yelled inside the kitchen, "will you SHUT UP!" Zoro irritated voice was heard, as Nami sighs again and went to Robin to have a chat.

Zoro just came out of the kitchen with a big bump on his head, he run his bump while he muttered angrily and decided to go have a snooze, and Luffy is laying on Sunny's head, his eyes closed as he was lost in thought.
(Prob thinking abt smoking the zaza with Usop— okay okay I'll stop)

He opened his eyes as all he could see was clouds and the blue sky, he grab his straw hat and placed it in his face to have a snooze.

Another normal day with the strawhats.

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