Reunite once more! Reconciliation later.

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With Nami and the others:

"Franky? Brook!" Nami called them over excitedly while waving her arms, the man beside her just stared onto the weird group.

"YOW! Is that who I think it is?! It's our SUPER navigator, Nami!" Franky exclaims gleefully as he posed his famous pose. "Yohohohohohoho! Nami-Swan I've come this far!" The skeleton talked,
It talks?! He pulled a shock face.

His eye was twitching, he thinks it's fake, he wishes it was fake but it seems all real, maybe it's a dream.
"Yeah... a dream." He mumbles his thought out loud.

As they came closer, he can already tell it wasn't a dream, the more they come close the more weirder it gets. A big man with shoulders of a boulder and only wearing a UNDERWEAR. coming towards him with his goofy haircut. (It's SUPER)

And a Skeleton with his legs going or running sideways like an old cartoon trying to tap dance and carrying a stick.

He alreadly dealt with a tanuki already, now he gotta deal with these freaks too..?

"Ah! You look like you got a new friend Nami-San, mind introducing to us?" The Afro Skeleton asked politely as Jerron starts to freak out.

"AHHHH! ITS THE F*CKIN GRIM REAPER FROM THE BILLY AND MANDY AND THE P*RNSTAR FROM THE 60s COMING TO HAUNT ME AGAIN!" He yelled drastically while his eyes are trying to pop out, then he swiftly turn to Nami.

"B*TCH! YOU KNOW THESE FREAKS?!" As he got a sharp bonk onto his head, he retracted and cover where it hurt as if trying to block anymore attack that Nami might give him.

"DONT CALL ME A B*TXH. MORON." She barked as her fist was steaming, as the others arrive they start to feel beads of sweat coming down form their heads.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A MORON?! B*TXH." He barked back as they both start to fight.
Now they're arguing like an old marriage couple.

The non-fighting group were quiet, as Sabo comically sulked at this. "We're never gonna get my brother back with these people." He mope as he felt a bony hand around him.

"Now now Sabo-San, don't lose hope, I'm pretty sure this end between those two.." Brook reassured him as Franky laughs. "HAHAHAHA! They're squabbling like an old dearly couple. It's adorable!" He comments as he could've sworn he felt Sanji twitch in his grasp.

Sanji was healed from the poison thanks to Sabo, apparently he remembered the ingredient for the medicine which were just lemons! For some reason he had one in his pockets, he doesn't knew how it got there but it might have something to do when Dragon ordered him and Koala on a mission to stop an illegal shipment, which were just lemons...

Apparently they were trick and somehow someone have predicted this and replace the weapons with lemons, it happen that the ships that were carrying illegal boxes were just dock into this island.

Luckily he carried a lemon...

Anyways as he watch those two argue and fought like little kids, he sighs...

After the fight:

"What?! Luffy got taken by the gods of all celestial dragons?! No.." Nami staggered backwards as Jerold catches her, "hey! Bi- I mean are you okay." He said as he felt her shaking, Brook seems to be feeling the same way, as Franky stared in shock.

Sabo was clutching his fist hard that his finger nails dug through his gloves, Jerold felt a bead of sweat coming down his forehead.

"D*mnit Luffy... why do you do this to us!" Nami cried out as a anger vein popped out, she lowered down but her anger was still there. "We barely made it out alive with that slow idiot game maniac Foxy." "Foxy— what?" Jerron asked but was ignored "And now we have to deal with this?" She then starts to sulk and wailed dramatically into Jerold chest causing him to flinch. "Woah.. hey—."

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