Attack of the Daemon. Robin versus Aoi

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With Usopp and others:

His hand went for his slingshot, and quickly aimed towards the window.

He yelled out his attack

Special Attack: Fire Bird star!

Just as he shot his attack, the window was barged in, shattered glass flew in every directions as came the green headed daemon; his hands covering with its sharp long talons that were ignited with burning fire.
His attack exploded at its face causing a big explosion destroying parts of the old abandoned house and smoke was everywhere.

"W-What was that?!"
"I don't know... but good reflexes Usopp!" Chopper embraces him, he smiles in return and he start to boast himself.
"We'll I am the Great Usopp and all—"

"Usopp watch out!" His captain yelled, his rubbery hands shoot past him as if he was in slow motion, he slowly turn around and infront of him was the terrifying thing ever.

What he faced was the green intruder that bathed through the windows, seconds away from tearing off his face with its fire fist burning alight, it seems to be grinning darkly as it's pink eyes widen with excitement. Usopp gaped his mouth open in terror and just before it burn his face off; Luffy's rubber arm coated with armament haki punched its face and his other arm clutch onto Usopp and pulled him back.

The thing was thrown backwards creating more dust and smoke. Luffy angrily looked at the being before turning back to Usopp scared fracture.
"You alright Usopp? It didn't hurt you did it??" He ask worryingly shaking Usopp out of his state, he nodded and Luffy smiles before turning back to the thing who is now standing in the mist of the smoke, his shadow only seen and it's pink orbs glow brightly against it.

It smiles big and it sharpness of its teeth is shown.

Luffy glowered at the thing that tried to hurt his friend, "who are you and what do you want from us." he pointed towards the being in the smoke as two others came to stand beside it, both different heights and sizes..

"Ugh! You always do this! Wait for the signal you idiot bastard! You are so a MORON!" A high pitch girly voice was heard through the mist. She scolded and yelled at the demon as another voice was heard; "shut up what are you, the no-fun police? I just can't hold back tte containment of excitement!" The sound of its voice bounces with more excitement as it smiles wide.

"Excellent work for damaging the poor house, and for almost ruining the plan." The small figure glances at the thing, it seems to be fixing his gloves.

"Shut it Mouse, don't you feel it? You can sense his aura from here! It's so strong and swell like a nectar! Hahhahaha! I never felt this since I met her greatness!" It raises its arms and did a fast slice of an 'X' as it slices through the smoke causing Luffy to coat armament to his hands to fend it off.

As the smoke cleared off, shows the three workers of her celestial highness; Imu-Sama.
A Mouse, A Cat, and a Daemon.

Robin glances at the small mouse and quickly blushed at his appearance, a small adorable little baby brown mouse, "so cute.." she thought.
Chopper quietly mumbled as he asked himself "Who are these guys... and.. *sniffs*" he gasped and widen his eyes in horror, and covered his nose as the whiff of scent metal hovered through the air. He knows that scent, it's used many times after Luffy or his friends came back from a huge fight and received a nasty injury, except this was more.

He wobbled backwards towards Usopp as he softly  thudded his back against his legs; snapping Usopp out of his frozen state, he curiously looked down at his small friend as he was holding his nose and holding a horrified expression.
"Hmm hey Chopper what's the matter?"

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