Imu wrath.

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Short Chapter:

Her heels clicked down the cold hallways, she was about to visit the room where her dear power house is held at until she heard various yelling and commotion.

*glass shattered*

She enter the room to see what's the commotion about.

"Holy sh*t he fell!" The scientist panic
"What are we gonna do? What's Her Highness gonna think about this?!"

"Think about what?" She asked, the scientist freezes and turns toward her with fear, she looked around the room, he was nowhere here.

The strap table that held him down came unlock.
She turn her head towards the scientists, her face was shadowed except for her eyes, they seem to seeped into their souls.

"I-Imu-Sama! W-We— g-gah!" He stuttered but didn't finish his sentence, he made a noise like he was choking, he couldn't breathe he felt as of something is squeezing his neck pretty hard.

"Where is he, where is he?" She raised her voice as it gotten worse, the scientist start to turn purple due to him being choked by something.

The others were shivering in fear as they were hiding behind each other, just watching the scene as the scientist being choke is turning purple.

"Useless creature. Tell me where is the boy, I gave you an order and that's as to keep an close eye on him but thus you failed me." She said coldly.

"H-He-e jumped!"he fell onto the ground
onto his knees , holding onto his neck as bruise hand marks starts to appear.

"Why, why have you failed me? Why. Why.Why. Don't you want to see your family again? Should I just tortue them until their heads explodes, would you want to watch them paint the bare walls with colors?" The more she asked the more the man struggled to breathe, he couldn't cry due to the intense severe air that he exhaled out.

He gasped for air, but didn't seem to work, he looked up to her majesty as he pleads.

"Ple-please! Have mercy-! —" Then something cracked, his neck now dislocated due to the force of something grabbing very hard onto his neck.

It squeezes so hard that the head popped off and thudded onto the floor leaving bloody trails, along with viens that was dragged along.

His body dropped dead onto the floor leaving the scientists cowered in fear as they watch the horror.

Imu stand there, her face is still shadowed and her eyes glared onto the scientist, they were mortified she snaps her fingers as wave of force came out knocking the other scientists unconscious.


She left with her blood boiling in rage, her heels click dangerously against the tile floor as some crack.
She picked up a snail responder and dialed her "friends".

With Mouse and Cat:

Through the village they are both strolling through, Cat is holding onto Mouses hand as she was mumbling and flustered about it, while Mouse just lead the way for their next destination.

Until his baby Snail transponder was calling him.

Belp Belp Belp Belp Belp Belp— Kachank! (Help how do they spell it bru 💀)

"Hello?- Chi!" He responded as the snail takes form of an black veil surround around, and it's red eyes staring, it's tall crown tall enough that it reaches all the way to his nose.

"My son, Straw Hatted Luffy, is gone. Would you two mind to go and catch him for me? I'm so sorry If I interrupted anything. Did I?" her voice ask sending chills against both of the animals spine.

Her voice sounded bashful and full on rage, but was masked with calm, and soothing. They both sweated as they obliged.

"No no! We're not doing anything in the moment Imu-Sama!"

"She's right! Your needs are important to what we are doing this instant, we'll get him immediately, my Queen." Mouse quickly said as he hic, they could feel her on the other line just smiling.

"Good, I've placed an tracker on him so it wouldn't be a hassle, after you retrieve him to me kill his friends during the process, I trust you both very much in this and I trust that you won't fail me, right?" her serene voice smoothly said over the other line, they both blushed.

"Y-You got our word!"

"Of course you trust us Imu-Sama! We'll begin onto it!" Cat said with enthusiasm as she does her happy stimming.

"Good, I'll see you both after, I wish you both the best."

They both signed off, they both looked at each other with determined looks.

Back to Imu:

She heard the snail clicked as its appearance returns back to its normal self snoozing off, she placed it on the table as something thudded against the glass, she stared ahead to see the scientist from before, his face is torn off along with his jaw no longer attached. flesh is shown on his face as he slowly slidded off the glass leaving a trail of blood.

Now it show the whole room, 4 scientist have lost all their limbs and are now on he ground or against the wall, 2 scientist banged against the glass pane window anguish, trying to get out until their head was immediately sliced off and blotches of blood covered the window, the walls are covered in her favorite color each and everyone is artistically shown on how each individual died.

It was a gorey sight indeed, but those foolish scientist deserve it for releasing her power plant.
The scientist opened her mouth to scream but silence was only heard. A hand gouged it's way infront of the mouth, and retracted to where it came from leaving her dead with eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"That's enough Daemon." She said at last

She was watching him the whole time as he mercilessly slaughter the last scientist by punching a hole onto his stomach, his fist grabbing on his guts.
He turn towards the glasspane, and dropped the guts onto the floor as it splotches off.

He came out, covered little in blood, his eyes craving for more as he licked his covered hand. He then kneeled and waited silently for his next order.

"That seem to be all for your use for today-"

He hesitated, his head raised towards her with eyes pleading for more, his teeth chatter with hunger. She blinks.

"But for your reward I given you permission to help Mouse and Cat to kill those who gets into the ways into my plans, no mercy go feral."

He lighten up and nodded, he disappeared due to her help to the exact location.

She sighs, and left the cellar.

With Usopp and the rest:

He notice Robin looking strangely at the window.
"Robin what's wron-?" He then shudders and tensed up, he looked up at the exact window which Robin took a interest of.

Whatever lies behind that window caught the attention of the two strawhats, he look towards Luffy and seem he have notice too.

Chopper seem to be the only unnoticed, he looked around and questionably ask.

His hand went for his slingshot, and quickly aimed towards the window.

He yelled out his attack

Special Attack: Fire Bird star!

( I lied, this isn't a short chapter.)

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