Reunite with Lemon and Lime (Pt.2)

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"Oh my... Zoro! Sanji!" Brook yell for their friends as he crouched down and lend his boney finger on Zoro neck to check for his pulse.

"Woah what the-! What happen here? Sanji! Hey!" Franky ran and tried to shook Sanji awake, but couldn't get no answers, then he felt wetness on his shirt, he looked down and see red soaked into his.
"Sh*t, he's bleeding." Franky though out loud,
"Him too, but he's breathing." Brook says as he picked the unconscious Lime, he wrapped his hand around his boney shoulders and stood up, only to fall back onto his butt.

"Oh my he's so heavy! And bulky. If only I had skin- but at last I don't have skin cause I'm a skeleton... yohoho." He sulked as Franky sweatdropped, he looked around but it was dark, plus they were far from the Sunny so there's no point in going back, only way to get help is from the light coming above the trees.

"Come on, give him here and I'll give you Sanji." Franky offered as he picked up the unconscious body of the Lemon and handed him to the Afro Skeleton.

"He still a little heavy, but I can manage." Brook says as he lift Sanji, "huh, I don't feel anything to be honest.." Franky nonchalantly says as he causally lift the heavy swordsman onto his back. "That's because your all skin and robot, at least your not bones like me." Brook exclaims as he pointed towards Franky muscles. "Yeah I know, I'm SUPERRR awesome." He brags as he heard a small snore on his back.

"HES SLEEPING?!" They both exclaims, "well it's good that he's still in contact, now come on let's go!" Franky snapped out and ran forward with Brook following behind.


With Zoro:

The feeling of ups and down bumping against the swordsman face and body as he open his eyes.
(well actually one eye 👁️👄👁️)
He groaned and looked around, grabbing Franky attention as he stopped, "Zoro! Glad that your awake, we thought that you might slept all the way."
The cyborg said as Zoro yawns. "What happen?" He asked as he looked back to see the skeleton holding the dumb chef.

"We found you both laying on the floor injured,land unconscious, pray tell what happen?" Brook asked as he walked with the unconscious cooked. Zoro tries to remember what happen...

"What happened..?"


"Hah?! Who you calling an idiot? crap cook?!" He saw the cook leg going up in fighting stance as he quickly went for his swords.

They both went at each other, swords vs legs "Imma make you take back everything you said about Nami-San!" The cook growled as he pushes against ithe blades, the swordsman did too. "Oh shut up you simp."

As the cook pushed his legs further to the point that the moss has a opening, Sanji stretch his leg to his opening but Zoro dodged it, then they both fought not knowing that they both were awoke something in the woods, yellow swirly eyes looked at the two as they kept fighting.

Then fog swirled over taking away their vision "what the-?!" Zoro said before he was swallowed by the smoke as he tries to fan it off with his swords.

He cough the smoke and see that the wimpy cook isn't there, oh great did he leave him here? Or did he get lost?
he sighs as he felt great chills coming out of nowhere.

He sense someone running behind him, he reacted to block the attacker but realised...   it was his master... his friend Kuina. "Kuina..? B-but i thought you died." He mumbles as he lowered down his weapons. Kuina didn't reply but simply attacked with her straw sword, the same sword they had when they were young.

'it' isn't fair. Men like you get to have such freedom!
While we women don't!'

'Let's fight to see of who will be more the Master of Swordmans'

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