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3 years later.... 

I woke up in my large bed, not seeing my teal eyed husband besides me. Then I remembered. It was Christmas. Ever since Luke (our 2 year old son) turned a year old the two of them would always wake up early and try to take a sneak peak at the presents that sat under our very large Christmas tree. 

I washed up, fixing whatever I could of my hair and brushed my teeth. I walked down the staircase and saw Fitz and Luke holding up the several presents that were underneath. This year we planned a secret Santa with the rest of our friends and family because it would take a long time to get something for everybody. Everybody had already dropped off their presents beforehand. 

Over the past few years a lot has changed. Biana and Tam had gotten married and have a 3 month old baby. Dex and Linh are engaged, and Keefe is still single. 

"You two better not be looking at the presents again," I say. The two boys looked up, dropping the presents that were in their hands. 

"We weren't looking at all," I rolled my eyes, picking up Luke, kissing his cheek. He giggled and played with my necklace. 

"I put them under the tree because I actually trusted you this year, even though I probably shouldn't have." I say, remembering what Fitz had done last year. 

"It's not my fault I knew everyone's presents before they were opened," he said. I smiled and kissed him. 

"Merry Christmas sweetheart," giving him another small kiss. He whispered it back, kissing my cheek . 

"And Merry Christmas to you to," Luke giggled and clapped.

"Mama!" he squealed. 


"Not yet, we have to wait for everyone to arrive so we can open them together," he pouted, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"Everyone should be arriving soon, so we should get dressed," I say, heading upstairs, going to Luke's room first so that I could change him first. 

"You look so cute!" he sat down and played with his small stuffed animal. I went into my room, grabbing whatever Christmasy clothes that I could find as well as a towel and went in the shower. Once I finished the nice warm shower I got dressed and brushed my knotted hair, and dried it quickly. 

I went downstairs and saw friends and family entering the palace doors hugging Fitz and Luke. When I arrived I was also ingulfed in hugs and there were several 'Merry Christmas's' said. 

"Can we open presents now?" Keefe asked. There were several eye rolls at him, but the kids already got a head start. We all headed down to the tree and sat in a circle, and took the present that we bought. 

"Who goes first?" Keefe raised his hand, waving it around like a small child. 

"All right Keefe go first," Fitz said. 

(I don't feel like writing and thinking of a bunch of things so I'm going to skip to the very last person.) 

It was Fitz's turn to give his present to Luke. 

"All right, Luke are you ready for this?" Luke smiled. Fitz got up and came back with a cage with a cloth covered over it. 

He set it down and let Luke uncover the cage which had a small golden retriever inside it. 

"Puppy!" Fitz opened the cage, letting it come to Luke. 

"A dog? Seriously Fitz? We already have a pet to take care of," Fitz pet the dog. 

"Sophie, come on I already have everything set up. And besides can you say no this adorable puppy?" I looked at the small dog and sighed. 

"Fine, we can keep him." The dog walked over to everyone, and they gave him a small pet. 

"What's his name?" 

"He doesn't have one, but since he's Luke's present he's going to name him," Fitz explained. 

Luke continued petting the dog, smiling at him. 

"He's so fwuffy!" Luke squealed. 

"What do you want to name him?" I ask. 

"Buddy!" He squealed. Buddy started ran away, exploring the palace with a running Luke behind him. I smiled at the scene. 

"That's totally something you would do," I say to Fitz. 

"I have never done anything like in my whole entire life," Fitz said. Della scoffed. 

"Oh Fitz please, of course you have. There was this one time when you were five, where we were out in the gardens and this little butterfly landed on your nose. You tried to grab it but it started flying away and you followed it all around. You were so adorable," Della said. 

"I told you." 

"How about a movie?" Everyone agreed and made our way to the large couch and TV. After taking at least 10 minutes decide on a movie, we got a plate of gingerbread cookies that Biana had made, along with a cup of hot chocolate. 

Everybody took a cookie and a drink, and took a bite of it. And instead of it tasting like cinnamon and frosting, it tasted like baking soda. Everyone started coughing and gagging, taking big gulps of the hot chocolate. 

"Biana, how much baking soda did you put in this?" Edaline asked. 

"1/2 of a tablespoon," Biana answered. 

"Sweetheart a typical gingerbread recipe only asks for 1/2 of a teaspoon," Della said. 

"And besides, didn't you taste the cookies after they were ready?" Keefe asked. 

"Shut up Keefe, as if you could do better," Biana shot back. 

"Guys, there's no reason to argue, we have some more cookies in the kitchen," Fitz said. He stood up and soon came back with a tray of cookies. After a few minutes in of the movie, I whispered into Fitz's ear. 

We both got up and went upstairs to our bedroom. 

"I have a present for you," I say. 

"I also have a present for you too," I went to the closet and grabbed Fitz's small gift.

"Who's first?" 


He pulled a small box which had a small ribbon the top. When I opened it, it showed a a necklace which read 'my queen'

"It shows that even though we'll be kicked off the throne someday, you are always going to be my queen." 

"Fitz, I love it. Thank you," I set down the jewelry box, cupped his face and brought his lips to mine. 

"All right now, it's my turn." I got the small box and handed it to him. He opened it, a smile growing on his face. 

"You're pregnant?" I smiled and nodded. He set the box down, picked me up and twirled me around. 

"Fitz, put me down!" After a few more twirls he then put me down and kissed me, wrapping both his arms around my waist. 

"I love you Soph." He whispered. 

"I love you too." 

"All right we should probably head downstairs now," I say. Hand in hand we made our way downstairs to our previous spots. I sat on Fitz's lap, noticing the smile was still on his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his hands on my stomach. Luke climbed up the sofa and sat in my lap. 

And then I realized. That none of this would've happened if I hadn't been one of the selected.


OH MY GOD! This book is finished! I can't believe! I can not thank you all for all the encouragement you have given me throughout the book. And thanks for the 2K reads!  I truly loved reading your comments and loved writing this book! I'll see you all in the next chapter of Why Me? 

This is the last chapter of One of The Selected! Byeeeeee!

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