Chapter 32

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Over the past few weeks Fitz and I have been attending several meetings about the hideout and when we should attack. But of course we were tired. We went to the stables and saw Luna and Wynn resting, while Silveny and Greyfell sat there watching there kids. I walked to Silveny while Fitz walked to Greyfell. I petted her mane, resting my hand on her muzzle. 

"You up for a race?" Fitz smirked and turned to Greyfell once again. 

"That's if they are." He said. 

"You up for a ride?" I whispered to her. She neighed in response, sliding her hoof against the hay. 

"Looks like they're up for it." 

"But you're wearing a dress, you still want to ride?" He aked. 

"Oh believe me, I can beat you while wearing a dress." 

"Don't get so cocky," he said. We put saddles on them and got ready to begin.

"All right to that tree and back wins," he said. "3...2...1... go!" 

In the beginning we were going about the same speed, but when we were coming back it was a mix. Sometimes, I'd be in front and then he would. But then I was going ahead, winning the game. 

"And you thought I was being cocky?" He rolled his eyes. 

"That's only because Greyfell is getting older, so he's a bit slower," Greyfell neighed at that and I rolled my eyes at his pathetic excuse. 

"Fine, another race, but we switch horses. We'll see if you're right after all," We mounted on to our horses and I ended up winning again. But Greyfell was actually faster than Silveny. I guess that means Fitz is just getting older instead. 

"What else do you want to do? We're both free for the rest of the day," Fitz said. 

"Let's just take a walk around," I suggested. He nodded and we both led Silveny and Greyfell back in the stables and there pen (if that's what you call it) and went for a walk through the woods. 

"They're going to attack the Neverseen soon," Fitz said. 

"I think I should join in on the attack," I say. 

"Sophie, seriously? You just healed a few weeks ago, and you still want to fight? And besides you haven't been feeling well in the mornings. You've been throwing up and you've been feeling sick. I still think you should go to Elwin's office," Fitz said.

"Fitz I'm fine, there is no reason why I shouldn't fight, and go to Elwin's office." 

"Sophie I'm going to take you to Elwin's sometime today,  and there's not getting out of it," he said. I pouted and rolled my eyes at my over protective husband and we continued walking in the woods. 

Once we were walking back we entered inside the palace and made our way to the infirmary to see no one was inside. 

"Oh no, no ones's here guess we'll have to come back another time," I tried to leave the room and then heard Elwin's voice. Fitz grabbed my hand before I took another step with a smirk on his face. 

"My two favorite patients, what can I do for the both of you today?" he asked. 

"I haven't been feeling well in the mornings," I simply say. 

"Things such as?" 

"She's been throwing up throughout the day and in the middle of the night, she's been feeling tired and sick. But she usually feels better later on in the day," Fitz explained. 

"All right, please sit on the cot Sophie," he said, writing something on the clip board. 

(after doing what he's supposed to do) 

He wrote on his clipboard and set it down. 

"Wow," he said. 

"What?" Fitz asked, worry filled in his tone. Elwin smiled. 

"Sophie's pregnant," he said. "Congratulations. I'll let the news sink in." Taking his clipboard, he left the room, making it silent. 

"This is great!" Fitz said, a big smile resting on his face. 

"It is?" 

"Of course it is! Do you not want to have children?" he asked. I shook my head. 

"No! No, it's just that you've never really talking about having kids, so I just presumed that you maybe didn't want to." Fitz walked over to me, planting a kiss. 

"Of course I want to have kids." 

"Can you believe that we're actually going to parents in nine months," I say. He smiles once again and kisses me again. 

"Do you think we're going to make good parents?" I ask. He grabbed my hands gently and looked into my eyes. 

"We are going to make fantastic parents. We are going to protect and love this kid with all the power that we have. And I know that you are going to make an absolute superb mother, to our child," I smiled at him, giving him a small peck and hugged him. 

"I love you Fitz," he kissed my cheek, bringing me even closer to him. 

"I love you to darling," we soon broke apart, our fingers laced together. 

"I think this baby is going to be a girl. Wouldn't it be fun having a little girl with your eyes and my hair? She'd be so adorable. But of course she has your intelligence and my great sense of humor," I raised an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I want a boy," Fitz smiled. 

"Whether it's a boy or a girl, we're going to love it so much no matter what." I rested a hand on my stomach. 

"Yes we are." 


Hey guys! Sorry this wasn't as long as my other chapter but oh my god! This is the last chapter before the epilogue! And then I'll start updating on my other story and I'll most likely start another book in the middle of it! Thank you all for comments, reads, and votes! I'll see you all in the next chapter! Byeeee!

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