Chapter 30

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"Sophie!" Biana yelled from across the room, embracing me in a big hug. Everyone else joined the hug. 

"We thought you were dead!" Della said. 

"Where's Fitz?" Alden asked. 

"Fitz got shot in the leg and I had a guard escort him to the infirmary," I explained. 

"But what about you? I'm sure you're just as injured as him," Biana said. "I missed you so much! What happened to you guys?" 

"I'll explain everything later, I kind of just want to take a break from everything," Della nodded and helped me over to a cot. Edline sat beside me and wrapped me in a hug. 

"I was so worried about you sweetheart," she whispered in my ear. "I had no idea if you were dead or not and we had guards looking all over the place." 

"I missed you too." She broke away from the hug and looked for injuries. 

"How hurt are you?" 

"I have a stab wound and three gashes on my arm and wrist but other than that I'm fine," I answered.

"We need to get you to the infirmary fast, you should've gone with Fitz earlier." 

"Yeah, but I wanted to go after the attack," Edaline shook her head. 

"No, I want you to go now, I'll ask Dex to walk with you," Edaline said. "Dex, can you escort Sophie to the infirmary?" Dex nodded and we both made our way out of the safe room. 

"I've missed you a bunch," he said. 

"I missed you too Dex." 

"So what happened?" 

"It's a lot to explain, I'll tell you later, promise," Dex nodded and helped me reach the infirmary where I saw Fitz on a cot. 

"Finally, I was wondering where you were," Fitz said, as Dex helped me onto a cot. 

"Where's Elwin?" 

"He's in the back somewhere," and on cue, he entered the room. 

"Good to see you again Sophie. What injuries do you have?" He asked walking over to me. 

"A stab wound and three gashes on my arm and wrists," I answered. He took off the cloth that was wrapped around my stomach. 

"This needs to be treated immediately. Take this pill, it'll knock you out in about a few minutes and I could get to work on your wound and other gashes. And you too Fitz." Elwin said, handing me water and a pill. Water never tasted so good. 

Elwin also gave Fitz a pill and I already felt tired. And then I was knocked out cold. 

When I woke up, my stomach was bandaged, as well as my wrists and I saw that Fitz also had his calf bandaged, but he was still asleep. I got out of bed and walked over to him and sat on his cot and held his hand. 

"We made it," I whispered, placing a small kiss on the back of his hand. He stirred in his sleep and he opened both his eyes. 

"Where am I?" he asked. 

"The infirmary," I answered. 

"Who are you?" my heart practically stopped. Was it possible for him to lose his memory? Does he not remember who I was?

"Fitz, you already know who I am. I'm Sophie, your wife." 

"Doesn't ring a bell," he said.  My eyes started watering as my husband looked around the room clueless. Once Fitz's eyes, laid on me once again he chuckled and sat up. 

"I was kidding." 

"How dare you do that to me? I thought you lost your memory. I hate you," Before I could make it to my cot, Fitz grabbed my hand I could. 

"You don't hate me," I pouted. 

"Yes, I do," he smirked. 

"Look into my eyes and tell me you hate me," I looked into his mesmerizing teal eyes.  

"I- don't hate you. But you seriously had me worried," I once again sat down on his cot and he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. 

"I'm sorry darlin'. But how could I forget a pretty face like yours?" Even though I and Fitz was married I couldn't help but blush. He placed a hand on the back of my neck, bringing his face close to mine.

"I." He kissed my left cheek. "Love." he kissed my right cheek. "You." he kissed my forehead. "So." he kissed my nose. "Much." He kissed me on the lips. 

"You are so cheesy," I said after we broke apart. 

"It's only because I love you," he said. 

"I love you too." Elwin entered the room. 

"Sophie! You're still healing! You need to rest, you can't be moving around the room without any help. If you wanted to be in the cot next to Fitz you could have just asked," he said. 

"Elwin, I'm fine, it hurt a little while I moved but I'm okay," even after I said that he still helped me over to the cot next to Fitz's even though it was only inches away.

"All right, you're family has been waiting outside for quite a long time. Do you want me to let them in?" We both nodded and he walked to the door, our parents and friends pouring in. 

"My babies!" Della ran over to us, giving Fitz a huge hug, and then gave me one after. 

"Thank goodness you're both all right and alive!" Della said giving us another hug. 

"My dear, let them breathe," Alden said, a smile on his face as he placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. 

"I know but I've missed them so much. I've been so worried," she said. 

"We all have been, but give everyone a chance to hug them and then suffocate them all you want," Alden joked. And that's what everybody did. I was squeezed to death, especially by Edaline and Grady. 

"What happened to you guys?" Biana asked. 

"A lot of things. So on our wedding day, Gisella had pulled me to the side to "talk" and ended up stabbing me in the stomach, drugged everyone in the room, and kidnapped me and Fitz," I started. Then everything came out. I and Fitz took turns explaining the whole thing. 

"I can't believe my mom would do that to you guys... I'm sorry," Keefe apologized. 

"It wasn't your fault Keefe. What only matters right now is that the guards find the spot. I think I remember where the hideout was, so we can always plan an attack on them so no one in Everglen is endangered." I suggested. 

"I think that is a very smart thing to do, as your first act as queen. But you need to feel better first," Grady said "How long will they stay in the infirmary Elwin?"

"Fitz should stay be staying here for about 3 days and then I'll give you crutches and you can roam the palace as you'd like. Now Sophie... you'll have to stay here for about 2 weeks." 

"Two weeks?! I only got stabbed, why am I staying here for two weeks?" I asked. 

"Only? Sophie, getting stabbed is a very serious matter. What I did was stitch it up, but any movement can cause it to open again. So that's why you're on bed rest. I need you to move as little as possible for you to heal correctly," he said and I slumped in the bed. The next two weeks were going to be a pain. 


Hey guys! Sorry for the long update! I've been having so many after-school activities I couldn't get any time to write! I am right now updating in school. Thank you all for your reads votes and comments! Byeeee!

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