Chapter 11

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(A week has passed in the selection) It's been a month in the selection and 9 girls were eliminated leaving only 17 girls left. After breakfast I went to my bedroom and changed into a tank top and leggings and put my hair in a high ponytail. I made my way to the sword fighting arena, where all guards spent there time training. I entered the arena where I saw several guards heads turn and then they continued doing whatever they were doing. I walked over to Dex and he smiled as he saw me walk up to him. 

"Hey Soph," he said, taking a big gulp from his water bottle and then closing it. 

"Hey Dex. You up?" he smirked and nodded. I put on some armor and took a sword. Me and Dex got our swords ready and started. Dex was faster but I was faster. Although I had accidentally let my guard down and I had a cut on my arm. Dex had a cut on his cheek and soon I had knocked his sword from his grasp and pointed the tip to his throat. 

"Good job. You haven't lost your touch," he commented when I lowered the sword. 

"Thanks and you're not bad either," he rolled his eyes and took a sip from his water. 

"You need a bandage? Your arms bleeding. I can take you to Elwin if you'd like," he offered. I shook my head. 

"Nah. I've had worse besides your cheeks also bleeding," he shrugged. 

"I'll be fine," we continued training and I'd win all the rounds. He had beads of sweat while I was barely sweating. 

"I really hope that one day I'll beat you," he said taking a seat on the bench. I had earned a few more scratches and now it was a little painful. 

"You know, I'd better head to Elwin's. Get everything bandaged," he nodded and I waved to him before leaving the arena. As I was walking down the hall way, I felt a a hand wrap around my wrist and I was pulled into a small closet and was harshly pushed against the wall. And soon I felt someone else's lips on mine. And they weren't Fitz's. The kiss was very harsh and my arm ached as he put pressure on it. I opened my eyes to see Alvar. My eyes widened and I tried to kick him but he would punch. I pushed him off me but it was practically impossible to do since the closet was so small. 

"Alvar! What the hell are you doing? I'm in the selection! You aren't allowed to kiss me!" he smirked and pushed me on the wall again. 

"If nobody knows then there's no harm in doing it," he smirked and kissed me harshly once again. I tried to push him off me once again but he didn't budge. I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and quickly left the closet, on the verge of tears. Instead of heading to Elwin's office I ran to my room and rushed into the bathroom. My breaths were shaky and I had a few tears falling down my cheek. 

I felt terrible. I felt violated and ashamed and guilty. I opened the cabinet and got out the alcohol wipes and a bandage. I washed the cut and I used the alcohol wipe and I tensed as it stung. I put a bandage and I replayed the scene that just happened. Alvar kissed me. I committed treason. 

"Sophie?" I heard a voice form outside the bathroom and it was Fitz's. 

"Sophie? Are you all right? I heard you crying," I quickly wiped my tears and opened the bathroom door. 

"Yeah I'm fine I was sword fighting with Dex and got a cut on my arm," it wasn't a complete lie. Although he didn't look convinced. 

"Are you sure? You don't usually cry over a cut," he said, inspecting it. 

"It was pretty deep. So what brings you by?" I ask. 

"Was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow," he put his hands in his pockets. I couldn't help but remember what happened. Alvar. He kissed me so rudely, so harshly, illegally, and he was willing to hide it from everyone else. 

"I was actually busy tomorrow, I was planning on spending the day with Biana," he tilted his head. 

"Oh okay, how does the day after tomorrow sound?" I gulped and nodded. 

"Okay then. I just wanted to stop by and say that, I have something to attend to. I'll catch you later," he gave a smile and gave me a kiss but I didn't kiss him back. Instead of leaving he looked at me, concerned. 

"Are you okay?" I snap out of my thoughts. 

"Yeah, yeah I just have some things on my mind, don't worry," he raises an eyebrow and although he didn't look convinced, he let it go. 

"I'll see you later," he kissed the top of my head before leaving the room with a small smile. I sucked in a breath and thought about the events that had just happened. I immediately thought of going to Biana because I couldn't keep a secret. And it always felt good when I told somebody. I left my room and made my way to Biana's room. 

"Hey Sophie!" 

"Hey Biana," I mumble back, walking and sitting on the edge of her bed. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Something happened today," I simply said. 

"I would like to know more details," she said. 

"You can't tell anybody. This is something that I'm only trusting you with, so please don't tell anybody," she nodded. I hesitated before talking. 

"Alvar kissed me," her eyes widened. 

"What?!" I looked at the ground and felt tears brim my eyes. "When did this happen?" she asked. 

"Just about 10 minutes ago," I answered softly. 

"Oh my god Sophie! He should've never done that! He committed treason, I need to tell Fitz and my parents, I shook my head. 

"No. You know Fitz isn't the best at controlling his anger. Who knows what he'll do if he finds out," I explained. 

"You can't let Alvar get away with this, we at least need to tell my parents," I shook my head. 

"You're the only person I trust with this information. I bumped into Fitz earlier and he's practically a lie detector. He can see through me and he'll know something's wrong. So I don't want to tell him and I hope that you don't either. Please Biana," she sighed. 

"Fine, I won't tell anyone," I smiled and hugged her. 

"Thank you."

"Now tell me. How did this happen?" And then I explained everything to her. All the way from the cut and to where Fitz found me in my bathroom crying. I was really thankful for Biana to just be listening to me and let me talk my heart out. I was really lucky to have a friend like Biana. 

Hey guys! Once again I'm writing this during school. But thankfully I'm still using wattpad on google chrome! Microsoft edge is a back up for me, so I have nothing to worry about! Anyways, sorry for this chapter, I didn't enjoy writing it but it will all work out eventually. And Happy Valentines day! Bye y'all!

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