Chapter 22

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Six months later.... 

(This part isn't in Sophie's POV like usual) 

Everyone surrounded the the table, a map on it. 

"What's the plan?" a deep voice spoke from underneath the cloak he was wearing, in fact everyone was wearing it. 

"We strike," a female voice spoke. 

"Now?" A different voice said. 

"No you buffoon, on the wedding day," the female voice said once again. 

"But that's such a long time." 

"That gives us time to plan the attack, get weapons ready, and most importantly we form a plan." 

"We haven't attacked in so long, why right now?" The female rolled her eyes under the cloak and slammed her hands on the table. 

"That's exactly the point. We've attacked once. They've more than likely already forgot about us giving us the perfect time to strike. I've heard they were having the coronation on the same day as there wedding day. And besides attacking on the wedding day gives me a perfect excuse to go," she explained. 

"How do we attack?" They spent almost all afternoon going over the plan and we're almost ready for the battle ahead. 

(Sophie's POV)

 6 more months until the wedding. We had most things planned. Such as where we wanted the wedding to be, whether the coronation should be on the same day and all that stuff.

I sat in the library reading a random book I had gotten off the shelves.

"Hey Soph," I jumped, closing the book, looking up to see Fitz.

"Fitz! I've told you so many times not to do that!" he smirked, putting his hand in his pockets.

"Sometimes it's hard to resist." I rolled my eyes and opened my book to the page I was on.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"We have a cake tasting in 5 minutes," he answered. I slumped and closed my book.

"That's today? I have a dress fitting in 10," I said closing the book.

"The wedding isn't until 6 months, why are you having a dress fittings now?" I groaned.

"Biana made me but since I don't want to it, I'll just reschedule it for another time," I say, standing up and putting the book away.

He grabbed my hand and we both made it out of the library. We went outside where we saw a man with a notebook, a binder, and there were several platters of different cakes. He had dirty blonde hair and it looked like it was pulled back with a hair gel to make it seem professional and he had emerald green eyes.

We walked over to him and he stood up and shook both our hands.

"Hello my name is Dave!"

"My names Sophie."

"And I'm Fitz."

"Great, now let's get started. You see 10 different flavors of cake in front of you. The first one you'll be trying is a simple vanilla cake and in between layers there's a buttercream with fruit in it." we both took the plastic forks and took a bite of it. Not bad.

"The next is a chocolate cake with layers of chocolate, chocolate mousse, and raspberries," we both took a bite of it.

"Too much chocolate," Fitz said.

"There's not enough chocolate," I say. We continued rating and tasting the wedding cakes until we reached the last one.

"This one is a Mallowmelt flavored cake, it was recommended from the queen." he said. I love Della.

"This is one." Fitz smirked at me. We both took a bite of the amazing cake.

"This is the one," Fitz agreed.

"Wonderful! Now you'll look at cake designs. Whichever one you like will be your wedding cake," he handed us the binder which had several pictures of designs of cakes.

Once we had decided the design what we wanted, we finished. We had wanted to go for a walk in the village. We put on sunglasses as a "disguise" and so far they were working.

"You know Soph, I feel like we haven't spent that much time together since we've been so busy planning for the wedding," I wrapped my arm around his.

"Yeah me too. It's nice to be alone," I said embracing into his warmth. 

"Yeah, so where should we go?" he asked. 

"I don't really wanna go anywhere, I just want to walk around the village," I answered. We stayed in silence until I saw him check his watch. 

"Do have something?" 

"Yeah, but I'll ask my dad to cover for me, it's no big deal," he answered. 

"Fitz, do you think we could stop by the book store that's just down the street? I really want some books." he nodded. 

"Yeah of course," we made our way to the bookstore and I said a quick hi to Calla before quickly going to the shelves looking at the several books in front of me. I grabbed two looking at the summary on the back not knowing which one's to get. 

"Which one should I get?" I asked Fitz.

"If you can't decide just get them both," he said. 


"Yeah of course! Anything for you," I smiled and hugged him, the books still in hand.

"I love you so much," he smiled and kissed the top of my head. 

"I love you too Sophie. Are these the only books you want to get?" I shook my head and went to the cashier. 

"Hey Soph! Out on a little date I see?" she said while Fitz wasn't paying attention. I rolled my eyes at my friend and nodded. 

"Yup!" I say popping the 'p'.

"I wish I had a man that would treat me the same way Fitz treats you. He seems like a total sweetheart," I blush. 

"Yeah he is, I'm very lucky to have him." It took us a long time to leave because me and Fitz couldn't decide who was paying. Fitz ended up winning because he ended up tricking me. How he did, I won't tell. 

Turns out it was almost getting dark so me and Fitz made our way to the palace. We went separate ways. When I went in my room I saw Alden, Della, Biana, Keefe, and Dex in there. 

"What's going on in here?" I say putting the bag of books down. 

"Fitz's birthday is next week," Keefe simply said. 

"And what does that have to do with you all in here?" Keefe rolled his eyes. 

"You always know how Fitzy never gets scared?" It's true. I've never heard Fitz scream because he was terrified. When we'd watch a horror movie everyone would be hiding under the blankets while Fitz would look very into it. 

"So we decided to think of a plan to scare him," and I was immediately in. 


Hey guys! Sorry for the long update even though in the last chapter I told you all it would be a shorter chapter. I should have the next chapter uploaded next week or maybe tomorrow if you're lucky! Thank you all for almost 800 reads! I really appreciate it! Thank you for reads, votes, and comments! See you all in the next chapter! Byeee!

One Of The Selected  (Sophitz)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora