Chapter 6

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After breakfast I went to the stables to check on the newborns and Linh tagged along with me. We entered the stables and went to Silveny's pen where we saw Silveny still asleep but Greyfell and the foals awake. 

"They're so cute! Have you thought of any names for them?" I shook my head. 

"No, they were just born yesterday after all. But we also want to choose names that Silveny likes as well. So Biana, Fitz, and Keefe are coming here soon to help choose a name and hopefully Silveny gets up by the time they get here." 

"Who's Keefe?" Linh asked. 

"Keefe is another best friend of me and Fitz's. He always stays at the castle and is practically part of the royal family. And he's also guard here as well," I explained. 

"I haven't seen him around the palace," she commented as we entered the pen. 

"Me neither, we bumped into each other on the first day of the selection but he pretty much disappeared after that. You can meet him when he arrives with the others." After 10 minutes or so the three had arrived in the stables and Silveny had woken up. Keefe and Linh were probably introduced. 

"She gave birth to twins?" Biana said. Me and Fitz both nodded. 

"I vote Keefe jr and Keeferella," we all laughed at the suggestion. 

"What? There amazing names and you know it," he crossed his arms across his chest but a small smile appeared on his lips. 

"How about Luna and Wynn?" I looked at Silveny and she neighed in I think agreement. 

"I for one still think that Keefe Jr and Keeferella are amazing names," Keefe said. 

"Too late. Silveny has agreed to the names of Luna and Wynn," he slouched and pouted. I started petting Luna. She seemed a bit hesitant but then leaned into me and lied down next to me. 

Everyone started petting her and Wynn. I looked at my watch and saw how late it already was.  2:45. 

"I have someplace to go to. I'll see you guys later," I pet Luna one last time before getting up and leaving the stables. Before I entered the palace Biana had caught up with me. She panted and had her hands on her knees. 

"Remind never to run in heels again," after a few more minutes she stood straight and stopped panting. 

"Where you going?" she asked as we both entered the palace. 

"I'm going to my room to get ready with my date with Fitz," she clapped and jumped up and down. 

"Oooh can I help?" she said. 

"Sure," she clapped happily and after going up the stair case we reached my room where I saw the girls playing a game of cards. 

"You're late! We've already prepared the hot tub for you and then after a bath we can move on to hair and make up," Mary said. After taking a nice warm bath I put on my dress and the girls sat me in a chair and started doing my make up. 


"Don't do too much, don't worry we know the drill," Amelia said. Biana curled my hair and overall the finish was simple and I liked it just like that. I had no idea what time it was because I heard a knock on the door. Amelia went and opened the door. 

"She's coming," I got off my chair and walked to door. When he saw his eyes went wide. 

"You look gorgeous," I blush at the compliment. 

"All right you kids have fun!" Amelia said. 

"But not too much fun," if it was possible my face grew more red and as did Fitz's. He laced our fingers together and we started walking down the the hallway and into the kitchens? He must've noticed my face expression because he said

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