Chapter 16

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I was awakened by a deep crisp accented (is that a word?) voice. 

"Sophie... it's time to get up. It's over everyone's heading back to their rooms," he said as I stretched and sat up. 

"What time is it?" he checked his watch. 

"9:30," my eyes widen. 

"It's been that long?" he nodded. 

"Yeah, my parents insisted we stay down here for an extra hour to make sure they were gone but then we got clearance from a guard so now we're making our way back to our bedrooms," he explained. 

"Is it fine if I sleep with you tonight? I truly don't feel like sleeping by myself tonight," he nodded and we both made our way to the crowd of selected leaving the room. I made my way to my bedroom thankfully seeing all my maids pacing around in my room. I hugged them and I was glad that they were safe. 

"Girls! I'm so glad that you're all safe!" they broke apart smiling and hugged me again, shorter this time. 

I put on comfy clothes and brushed my teeth before getting into my bed. 

"Good night girls," they smiled and shut off the lights. 

"Good night Sophie." Once I heard the door close I got out of the covers and made my way to the door, checking to see if the coast was clear and made my way to Fitz's bedroom, knocking on the door. Fitz quickly opened the door and I rushed inside before he closed it once again. I sat on the edge of his bed and he soon sat beside me, gently grabbing my hand. 

"Fitz, are we in danger now?" he stayed silent for a second and looked at the ground. 

"I-I don't know. My dad said he'll figure it out but.... let's just hope he finds out," he answered. 

"But I have so many questions. Why would they attack in the first place? Who is 'they'? Will they attack anytime soon?" Fitz simply shrugged. 

"I don't know, but it would be better to talk to my parents about this, I'm sure that they would have more information than me. And the reason why anyone would attack a palace, the king and queen, is most likely for money. That's usually how it is in books," he said. 

"But we aren't in a book Fitz. This is real life. But I mean it still makes sense for anyone to attack a palace for money. But did you see all those guards? They were dead. What happens if someone we care about gets killed," he didn't answer. 

"I don't know," his voice cracked but he didn't show any emotion. "But everything will be sorted out soon," he pulled me close and kissed my temple. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" I nodded. He grabbed his remote and got under the covers beside me. 

"What do you want to watch?" he asked scrolling through options. 

"Enola Holmes?" I suggested. Fitz shook his head. 

"Fine then you choose," I say. 

"The Lion King?" I shrug. He took it as a yes and played the movie. He shut off the lights and got under the covers besides me. 

"I love you Soph," I smile and kissed his cheek. 

"I love you too," and that was the last thing I remember before dozing off into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sight of Fitz brushing his hair. 

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning. 

"9:30," he answered. 

"Then I can go back to sleep?" he shook his head. 

"Nope. Breakfast starts in 5 minutes by the way," I got out of the covers and rushed out his room and rushed to my bedroom.

"Sophie where were you?! You had us worried when you weren't in your bed! And you're going to be late for breakfast!" Amelia scolded. 

"Amelia hush, if you actually knew her you'd know that she spent the night in Fitz's room. But Ami is right you will be late for breakfast, so take a quick shower and put on a dress. We'll do small touches of makeup and you'll be done. Go, go, go," I took a quick shower, put on my dress rapidly, and they hair dried my hair. They did the quickest and smallest touches of make up and I grabbed whatever shoes I could get, which ended up being silver flats. 

I rushed to the dining hall and took the last seat. 

"Glad you could join us Sophie. I hope that you all are okay from yesterday's attack. I just want to know that you are safe in here, and that you will not get hurt if an attack happens again. But if you don't feel safe here, then you can leave the selection. After breakfast Prince Fitz will talk with the girls that want to leave and if wanted too will be eliminated. Thank you!" Alden finished. 

Immediately the doors open and several platters of food had been put on the tables and everyone started putting food on there plates. 

"So how are you dealing from yesterday?" I asked Linh. 

"When the rebels stated attacking we were all huddled by a group of guards so at the moment I felt safe, but nothing really happened while we were reaching the safe room, so I'm good. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm a little shook honestly. When me and Fitz were making our ways to the safe room we saw a lot of blood and there were dead guards just laying on the floor, lifeless. I was super glad when Fitz said we arrived in the safe room and I'm glad we made it." I answered, playing with the scrambled eggs on my plate. 

Then a thought came to mind. What about Silveny? What if they took her or killed her? What about Greyfell and there kids? I hate how I didn't think about them before. 

"I'm sorry you had to see all that," she said. 

"Let's just hope it doesn't happen again," I said, putting a strawberry in my mouth. 

After breakfast everyone was expected to go to the woman's room and the girls that wanted to go home were supposed to stay in the dining hall to talk to Fitz. We all took seats in the room and Summer shortly arrived.

"Hello girls! Soon the Queen and King of Eternalia, friends of our king and queen, will be visiting 1 week and a half. You girls are supposed to work together and make a little party for them. In the next week you should start planning and researching the culture and traditions of the country. Here is a list of things needed in the party." she got out a paper and I stood up and grabbed. 

-Plates, spoons and forks
-Flowers for decoration

"And you all need to speak kindly and properly or else you could get eliminated. You start now! Good luck girls!" Summer waved good bye and left the room. 

"So should we go to the library? I'm sure there will be several books on the culture and traditions of the kingdom," the girls nodded and started getting up. But Stina along with one of her "friends" were going off in a different direction. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"I have to pick out what I'm going to wear duh," Stina answered, putting a hand on her hip. 

"But the party isn't in a week and a half. And this is a group project we're all supposed to participate," Stina rolled her eyes and continued walking to her room. 

"She wasn't going to be much help anyways, come on don't worry about her," Linh said. I turned around and joined everyone else in the library.


Hey guys! Welcome to another chapter! I'm kind of speed writing but this one was still a  pretty long chapter! Thank you all for the reads and votes! Byeeee!

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