One world two people

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One world, two idyllic romantic people staring up at the starry sky thinking what if..

Wondering if they were looking upon the same moon at this very same moment?

Well,what if? We find all these notions of exoticism intoxicating, drunkenly dizzy holding eachother close underneath the midnight sky.

She, he, her, him, they. Gesturing. Calling. Praying that you are standing, laying, staring upon a planet in our solar system that spins continuously like you and I through our days.. But, what if?

The daunting questions. Assumptions. Feeling like time could stop at any moment to make or break all the what if's.. But, what if?

Interrupting catatonic stoicism if he dies before he wakes never to lay my eyes upon his graciously ravishing charm..

One world, two people staring up reminiscing about romantic romances made up of what if's. 

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