A penny for your thoughts

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I stand above a wishing well holding a single copper penny in hand, my thoughts spinning as a whirlpool in the well's enormous thoughts growing bigger taking up the whole picture. We don't dare to share the thoughts inside for what if judgement is casted into the water a fish to the line.. I am caught. I am breathless for air. Gasping.. Released, I am released again swimming freely. I swim to the surface to gather who is my captor and savior. I want to see the reflection... of the beast.. I swim circling the surface darting in and out of the darkest shadows just for a glimpse. It is me I see peering through into the water by the edge of the surface. I stare down into the wishing well. Tossing my penny into the well I take my one wish and place it on me, my wish is to save myself from the polluted water that's drowning in mishapen destruction. Once clear waters painted brackish green it wasn't safe. I did everything in my power to clean up the garbage littered water scooping it all up with my hands swallowing it whole making it my fuel. I took the evil, the vile, the cruel and ate it up protecting every living thing from the fiery fuel. One day my body grew too weak to handle the masses of demolition..

I fell to the bottom of the brackish pond and formed into a stone pebble where I lay hidden for many years only letting the sunlight brush through finding my skin.The sun smiled down upon me after many years I made my way to the beach the waves guiding me in with the tide. Someone saw a tiny pebble and picked me up holding me, inspecting me under the spotlight. They snuck me into their pocket holding me quiet dear telling me the beauty I seek, the fondness I wish to find, it is not a place, nor a body of sea, it is me the bass. The fish of the pond.. The tiniest round pebble. The person filled me with love cradled me so near, until the day came when it was time to release me once again. They brought me back to the same pond but after many seasons and years the water was no longer brackish and green it was bright blue. My lover pulled me from their pocket and placed me on the shore sending me one last good-bye. They picked up my pebbled body and skipped it across the water allowing me once again to turn into a bass little fish of beauty, I swam to the surface and jumped into the night filled sky becoming one.

 They picked up my pebbled body and skipped it across the water allowing me once again to turn into a bass little fish of beauty, I swam to the surface and jumped into the night filled sky becoming one

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amongst the stars and sea. Aphrodite my love. 


Page Twenty- Five


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