Every amount of love you have for others you should have for you...

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Everyone knows that buying a house is an investment but my home knows no country. My home doesn't consist of any land.. My home is ungoverned by any person,place,or land but it is still a home in every single way. This House was mine solely. It is My favorite playground. There is one room in the house that was my favorite,the heart of the home they would call it.The Heart of the home looked the exact same as every-single other; except that the paint had one single chip in it still the room was beautiful.. A man I loved and I decided it was time for him to move in. I let him into my home and slowly the paint in the heart of the home chipped away more-and-more, one day I noticed the man reach up and pull a strip clean off the wall. I was sad that someone could cause such destruction to my home it was an extension of everything inside me. The love I had to give had been used and abused through my property. I threw that man off my property and directly out the front door I cleaned up the pieces of torn paint from my wall and tried to smush the pieces back together again, but when paint is ripped off the wall it isnt a simple fix. I learned quick that I needed to actually repaint the whole wall. Now with a whole new room, with a fresh new smell, looking all bright and beautiful..

I let another lover in, this lover was sweet, and kind and acquired a taste in art. He stood back admiring the delicate marble, paintings, and sculptures my home's body held. My lover bestowed critics on all the pieces of artwork in my home.. Even a critic still loves the pieces of work but hates the production. Maybe my lover hated the display of the pieces so I moved them around rearranging the artwork in different lighting.. It still looked the same to me now just in shittier lighting. One day my Lover came home real mad, not at me but at the world and smashed every single piece of art I had owned... I was heartbroken by my lover's actions and sent him away to never return again. I gave my love again to someone for it only to be destroyed.. My heart was broken as my home was rebuilt again cleaning up the mess someone else had created. I Replaced the broken objects with new and unique beautiful objects rebuilding my home from the ground up, I swore off letting people into my home or into my life out of fear of destruction.

My home became a place of safety to hold me all year round.. My secure,beautiful Homebody. Love yourself like you love your home, protect it with all your power, cherish the warmth and protection it provides, love its flaws and beauty as you love the world taking in every single imperfection without denying all of it's perfections. Love your body because it will forever and always be your first Home, The only Home to run home to, The final home before your resting place.


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