Chapter 31- The Week Back

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Somehow, out of nowhere. The October Break was over. It felt so short. Lola was going home. Raven, Noah and V came to say goodbye and so did Carter obviously. They kissed goodbye. They were now boyfriend and girlfriend. He asked her at a restaurant date. Valentina apologised for leaving with Ali however it seemed like her and Ali were now close. They had a sleepover that night. It felt as if Valentina was replacing Raven because of Halloween. There wasn't any bad blood just pettiness.

Raven agreed to give Ali a chance. Lyla went to bed early. She hadn't heard from Wyatt since Halloween which really threw her off. Did she say something that night? Did she do something? All these thoughts racing through her head.

She woke up and got a lift with Noah and he picked up Raven too. Ali and Valentina walked together. They all met at the door and the awkwardness with Ali had gone down a little but there was still some. Wyatt didn't sit with Carter and Noah. They went to Maths and he didn't speak to any of then. Only the person he has been sat next to. Cassidy.

It got to lunch and the group felt like a group again. A group of 4. Until Quinn came along.
"Hi!" She said. With short hair and a new alternative style.
"Hello..." Raven said.
"What do you want?" Lyla asked as Ali and V stayed quiet scared.
"I don't want anything. Except forgiveness." She says.
"What?" V asks.
"I've been a real bitch to you guys and I'm sorry. I should've stuck up for you guys." Quinn says.
"It's okay." Lyla says.
"What?" Raven says.
"She's a bitch. Like a real glass." Valentina said.
"Glass?" Quinn asks.
"Long story." Valentina says.
"Is she though? Or is she just scared of Cassidy. She's never said anything mean to me. She's not stuck up for us which yeah is bitchy but still." Lyla said.
"I don't know.." Ali said.
"If we didn't believe in forgiveness you wouldn't be here Ali." Raven said.
"Fair." Ali said.
"Take a seat." Valentina said. And as the week went on she was starting to feel normal to. Her and Ali actually had a lot in common. So they were kind of a duo and this meant Raven got Valentina back. However Valentina and Ali also had there spark to. Lyla had her own thing with everyone but I'd say she was closest to the original 3 and they could still be the original 3 as Quinn had Ali. It was perfect.

However, the whole week Wyatt had been ignoring Lyla, Noah and Carter. They didn't know why. She smiled. He groaned. He left all group chats. She texted him hey. He opened it.
She was done. She needed to find something to distract her and Lyla really liked music. So she went to the music room. She could play piano and the guitar and sing pretty amazingly. It was open at lunch time on Fridays but no one actually went so it would be empty. So she thought. But in there was Wyatt and Cassidy. Making out right in front of her eyes.

She ran out. Tears flooded out of her eyes as Wyatt chased behind.
"What's up with you?" He called.
"What's up with me? We had something." She says.
"Did we?" He laughs.
"What. How can you ask that." She says.
"We didn't Lyla. Don't be delusional." He says.
"You're made for Noah." He says as he walks away.
"That demon has fucking possesed you." Lyla screams.
"She's changed." He says.
"You've fucking changed. Go smoke some more weed cunt." She shouts as she stomps away. She was done with Wyatt. She only had eyes for Noah.


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