Chapter 13: Lyla's Revenge

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After many hours of plotting and researching. Lyla hadn't got much sleep. However, she wasn't feeling tired. She was feeling revengeful. She left bed early as no sleep didn't mean be late. However, it meant a good plan. Her plan was to sabotage Cassidy weeks before Homecoming so she won't be queen and Lyla would be. Sabotaging her by embarrassing her. In front of everyone. She was convinced it would work. Brett was messaging her and so was Raven and V plus Lola but she had bigger things to do.

So she put on a the super hot iconic two piece Lola's sister gave her. If she wanted to make a statement. This would do it. She also did her hair in a Half up, Half down hairstyle and did the most hot makeup you would do for going out. She left home early with no breakfast and went into the Starbucks across the road and ordered a Black Iced Coffee with extra caffeine. She was not messing around today.

She started to walk to school- as she didn't have time to get a lift and she had left quite early and walking would catch her up with everyone who was driving. She was tired walking with no sleep. But she kept going. Nothing was going to stop her. No matter if it was no sleep or no food. She was seeking her revenge.  The feelings Cassidy made her feel. Angry, Sad, Mad and even mad at the wrong person. She was mad at Wyatt. It was just Cassidy's stupid Revenge. But two can play at that game if she wants revenge- I'll give her revenge she thought.

Lyla walked into school past the whispers and points from everyone else.
"Come guys." She said to Raven and V.
"Woah..." Raven says.
"You look..." Valentina goes to say.
"Hot!" Raven says and then Lyla turns around and they see the bags in her eyes.
"What's up with you..." V asks.
"Have you slept?" Raven asks.
"Nope. I don't need sleep. I need revenge." She says.
"For who? Wyatt?" Raven asks.
"Nope. Wyatt didn't spread any rumors." She said.
"Then who did?" Raven asks.
"Cassidy. As revenge." Lyla explains.
"I should've seen that coming." Raven says.
"And now I want my revenge." Lyla says.
"Okay! Don't do anything stupid though..." Raven says but Lyla ignores her and stomps of into the cafeteria with an black iced coffee in her hand which she finished in one zip and she scrunches up the cup and throws it on the floor and she goes to the cafeteria lady and orders one large Strawberry Milkshake. Some people were stunned by her outfit. One even took a photo.

"Hey Cassidy!" Lyla shouts and no one looks. The plan wasn't working as everyone was supposed to listen.
"Listen!" She calls but no one does so she throws a large book on the floor and everything goes quiet after the bang and everyone looks over and she stands on Wyatt, Carter and Noah's table while everyone looking shocked or some guys seduced by her outfit.
She stands up and does a power pose. She nailed the outfit- I doubt the dress code would say the same. Cassidy looks threatened by her.

"Hey Cassidy!" She screams and everyone looks.
"Lyla stop." Noah says.
"Or carry on.." Carter says enjoying the view.
"Oh my god.." Wyatt says.
"What weirdo?" Cassidy laughs and her minions join in.
"How about you tell everyone here the truth she says walking along the long table as everyone moves there food and looks in ore- cameras pointing at Lyla.
"What truth?" Cassidy asks.
"That I didn't sleep w-" Lyla starts to say but is interrupted by.
"You didn't sleep last night? I think we can all tell." Cassidy jokes and everyone laughs.
"NO! I didn't sleep with your fucking boyfriend, you hear me." She screams. And everyone is shocked and you can hear distant gasps and What's. "You were just mad and jealous of me because he liked ME and wouldn't touch you..." She says and everyone laughs.
"Hmm? Wanna bet." Lyla says as she pulls Wyatt close and kisses him passionately in front of everyone on the table. He looks in shock.
"Holy crap." He says.
"Lucky dude." Carter says.

"You fucking whore!" Cassidy screams as she steps onto the table and runs at her and Lyla throws her strawberry milkshake all over her white outfit.
"What is pink not your colour?" Lyla asks.
"You better hope red is yours!" Cassidy says as she runs towards her and slaps her around the face and they both start violenty fighting on the table until the headteacher Mr P runs in and breaks it up and pulls Lyla away as the assistant head Mrs Bravo pulls Cassidy away. As everyone cheers Lyla shouts.
"Vote me for homecoming queen!" And everyone claps for her and Cassidy bursts into tears and the minions follow with tissues and Wyatt, Noah, Raven and V all follow behind Lyla. Everyone now wanted to vote for Lyla. Cassidy was horrible- so they wanted a different homecoming queen.

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