Chapter 4: Unpack

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"Hey sweetheart!" Ella calls out sipping on her green tea as Lyla walks back in with her princess towel which she had owned for years wrapped around her like she was still a little girl.
"Hey mom." Lyla says.
"How was the beach?!" Ella asks.
"It was great! Noah stayed out with one of his friends though." Lyla says.
"Oh? Are you okay with that?" Her mum asks.
"Course I am! I need to unpack anyways." Lyla says.
"And get ready for school.." Her mum reminds her.

"Oh yeah! School..." She says to her mum nervous about going.
"It'll be fine. You'll make friends!" She says.
"Yeah. I know." Lyla says.
"And you'll have Noah!" Ella says trying to cheer her up.
"Yeah. I'll be fine. I need to pick an outfit!" Lyla says.
"Yeah! You have to make a good first impression." Her mum agrees.

Lyla walks into her room and peers out of her window and sees Noah and Carter surfing out on the front. As she undoes the first suitcase's tight zip pulls out her pyjamas and gets into them and then manically goes through the remanding clothes.
She peers through pulling out many outfits and saying no to each one.

"To slutty."
"To bold.".
"To basic." 
"To pyjamas."
"To much my mum."
"To my much my nan..."
"To..." She goes to say the next one but then she hears her phone go off and picks up her phone off her bed and sees.
"Incoming video call from: Lola 💕"
She picks up the phone almost instantly.

"Lyla! I'm dying without you!" Lola says.
"Chill! I've been gone 10 hours." Lyla says.
"Ten hours to many." Lola says. "How is it?" She asks.
"Good.. But you never call me on night 1?" Lyla says.
"Well that's different. Cause at least then I know you're coming back." She says.
"Fair." Lyla says.
"What are you doing?" Lola asks.
"Picking an outfit for school." Lyla says.
"Ooo! Pick the one I put in from my sisters wardrobe!" Lola says.
"No! I'm not wearing a two piece to school." Lyla says.
"Fine! But you have to give me back when I next see you before she finds out!" Lola says and then load rock music starts blaring from the floor above.

"Jesus!" Lola says. "What is that?" She asks.
"I don't know! It's deafening me!" Lyla calls.
"Is it you?" Lola asks.
"No! It's upstairs!" Lyla says opening her window  with a balcony under and facing out as it faces into the floor above's seat with no balcony.
"One sec Lola." Lyla says as she hangs up the phone and moves the chair from the table to under his window and steps on it to reach his window and starts banging on it and then the music stops.

"What do you want?" The tall pale hot brunette boy around her age says as he opens the window holding an electric guitar in his hand.
"You to turn that down.." Lyla says.
"It's art." He says reffering to his music.
"It's horrible is what it is!" She responds.
"You just don't appreciate good music." The boy says.
"And you don't appreciate your neighbours." Lyla responds. "Some people are trying to sleep.." She says.
"At 8pm?" He asks.
"Well.. I will be soon! Plus my brother is!" She says. That wasn't true. They hadn't even eaten dinner yet.
"So?" He asks looking stoned out of his mind.
"So. Turn it off." She says.
as she slams the window shut and he starts it again so she bangs on it.
"Relax Blondie! I'll stop." The boy calls out as Lyla goes back down to bed  where she calls back Lola and then goes to bed ready for her first day off school.

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