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Weirdly Lyla wasn't excited to go back after her exclusion however, she knew she had to. she was dreading the day that she had to go back to school. But it came. and she definitely wasn't excited. Not because it was school but, more because of the whole homecoming situation with Cassidy, everyone was rioting about it at school and her and Cassidy would have it bad that day.

She woke up and she tried to convince her mum to her have a day off, but she knew she would let her. She had already been off for three days. Plus, her mum knew there was nothing wrong with her. So she put on a lazy outfit in hope no one would notice her- which she knew wouldn't happen as she assumed school would literally be HELL from the second she walked in.

She leaves her room, without doing much makeup and she had some cereal then she leaves early to make sure that Noah hasn't left as she was hoping for a lift. He accepts it and he drives her in as she complains to him on the way about how bad it would be and he agrees instead of comforting her.

The car parks up and she is not ready to walk in- she was hoping the outfit would make her a bit less noticeable. However, if didn't. People were looking. Pointing. Complaining. Booing. What made it even sadder was that if homecoming wasn't cancelled they would be clapping and cheering.
"So funny guys! Get a life." Noah shouts.
"Keep walking. Very funny." Wyatt says.
"Protect your girlfriend!" A boy calls out.
"He'a not my-" Lyla calls out.
"Do you want me to walk with you." He says.
"It's fine." She says as she walks in towards her locker as she texts Brett for support.

She walks towards her locker while everyone points and gossip. She gets to her locker and sees words graffitied on it. It says HOME(COMIMG) WRECKER. Cameras are pointing on her.
"Ohh! Home(coming)Wrecker! With the brackets! Very funny. Because I'm a home wrecker and I wrecked homecoming! That is just soo funny!" She says and people laugh and people point cameras and then Cassidy walks behind and everyone also boos and they look at eachother and she sees herocker. It said just homecoming wrecker- so I guess that means she isn't a homewrecker and people think Lyla is worse.

She walks past Cassidy who looks at her and sighs- weirldy enough she has no minions with her. Walking down she sees the minions. However, they aren't dressed how they normally are- well at least Quinn wasn't. She was in her own outfit. Quinn was wearing a plaid dress and Heather wore her outfit which Cassidy picked out as she couldn't bring herself too but Quinn let her borrow her demin jacket. They even walked past Cassidy- which led her to tears. This was the school rebellion.

The first 3 lessons went okay. Not much verbal other that whispering and some complains. At break, Cassidy felt it was time to apoligise.
"Lyla." She says.
"What do you want, Cassidy?" Lyla screamed.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Not just for the fight but everything. I've been a real bitch since you joined. I'm sorry. I just always felt you were a threat towards me with Wyatt." She says.
"It's okay. Sorry for being a bitch and fighting. By the way Wyatt is all yours." Lyla says and the girls hug. It felt good to have this tension of their backs. They stuck with each other for the rest of the and Cassidy was weirdly nice they sat together with Raven and V who Cassidy apoligized to They sat together in maths and everyone was confused especially Wyatt. They spoke and the minions didn't like it weirdly as Lyla tried to include them. She really thought Cassidy had changed.

However, it goes to lunch and then it was a proper rebellion! People screaming at them. They didn't know what to do.
"We want Homecoming!" They screamed.
"Oh my god..." Cassidy said.
"Stop this!" Wyatt said and someone throws there drink on him.
"This is your fault!" He says "Messing with those girls."
"No it's Lyla's! She got so mad." A girl says.
"And she's a homewrecker!" A boy calls out.
"Cassidy overeacted!" Another girl calls out.
"GUYS STOP!" Valentina shouts for the first time since anyone in there had ever know her and everyone was in shock. Then the bell went. School had been let out early due to the chaos. As soon as she left she was walking with Cassidy, and then she saw her minions and ran straight off the other way.

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