Chapter 21: Almost Operation Ali

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It was now Monday and Lyla was ready for Operation Ali. She was prepared. The plan was to go over to Ali and ask why she did that. I know operation Ali sounded more serious than it was but Raven has to make everything into a massive thing.

Lyla went into school and was bound to find Ali. However, she wasn't in. So Operation Ali was cancelled for a day. Lyla was gutted due to how mad she was. She needed to get her anger out on that slut. She presumed Ali was skipping. And was so close to texting her. Noah and her sat together at lunch and they were as close as they would be at summer. It was sweet. Being with him. It was the whole reason she came. He was a nice boy. A sweet one. Definitely boyfriend material. But something always led Lyla's eyes to Wyatt. Maybe it was the bad boy persona. The hard to get attitude. She didn't know what it was. He was a drug. Noah is the kind of boy your mum wants you to be with. And god her mum did. The kind of guy who treats you and your family well. Takes you out on dates and spoils you. Which is what she wanted. But she wanted Wyatt a little more at most times. Also she never would've admitted these small small feelings to Noah as there 16 year old friendship was to strong for it to be ruined by a teenage romance. However, after Brett she didn't want anyone at that point. The only thing she wanted was revenge.

Speaking about revenge. It then came the next day. Operation Ali was ago again. However, Ali AGAIN wasn't in. She was now 100% avoiding Lyla. So Lyla tried the day after but no. And the day after that. Lyla felt like giving up. But she thought she would give up and text her but she thought she would give it one more day.

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