His voice reached Vritra's but he pretended they didn't. He didn't have much time, to begin with. He felt as if the purgatory was slowly winning over him.

Time was against him.

You cannot stop. Not now. Not ever.

"Fucking hypocrite. What? Can everyone else get a break but I cannot? Bullshit!"

His hands tightened around the blades as they trembled and inched closer to his neck.

You are Special. You're not like everyone else, Y/N. You're different. You need to keep going. Keep enduring.

"I don't want to! I have failed at what matters the most! My baby, my kid. It's going to die because I wasn't strong enough! If I cannot save my kid then what's the point?! If I cannot defeat Cain what's the point? The weak will be stomped by the strong and I would rather die than suffer that humiliation! Do you understand it, Vritra? I am fucking done!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed all over the dark forest of Purgatory.

Try again. Try over and over until you triumph. The only limit is yourself and if you don't have any... The opportunities are infinite.

"Enough of your stupid lines. You talk as if you know anything. Look at what everyone I have done. I killed my mother who loved me, and lived under the false idea that she deserved to die. I failed my kid. I failed Valiana. Sirzechs, Issei. Fucking everyone and left them behind with that monster Cain! Tell me, why should I keep trying if it is meaningless?"

Vritra took a pause.

Because no one else will. The only one who I am certain that will change things for the best is you. And I highly doubt that anyone like you will be born ever again.

"Why would you care about making things better? Weren't you a destroyer? A killer? You were a damn monster... Why do you care about anything like at all?"

I'm also tired. Exhausted of everything rotting away without meaning. I have lived for a long time and everything I tasted, witnessed, or done was chaos. For countless years I have beings surrounded by misery and it corrupted me. But you were different. Y/N you had everything to turn like me, but you didn't. You didn't succumb to the darkness instead you used it to help, save and provide. Something that I could never achieve. Being able to Use the forces of bad to be a savior.

Y/N felt as if his throat dried up. He didn't have any words to say and just listened to his Dragon speak up his mind.

Please. Do not let misery devour you... Don't end up like me. You're better. I already made up my fate, but you still have time. This won't be your End but the beginning.

The eyes of the H/C-haired teenager looked at his blades that were just inches away from cutting his flesh.

He then realized what he was about to do and moved them away abruptly.

"What was I...?"


This act that he so much repudiated he was about to do it... That hopeless he was? How shameful of his part.

Y/N I don't have much time. You need to know something. Purgatory is a seal. Any form of spirit form that gets trapped within it will fall into a slumber. Whatever gets in can't get out unless used some specific methods. Lucifer is still in you. While you are here she can't do anything.

"What about you? Are you going to get sealed as well?"

Partially. I won't be able to communicate with you but you will still be able to wield my power. Something you need to know before I go..."

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now