Chapter 11

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Y/N closed the door of his house behind him a yawn escaping his mouth

He was exhausted. All that fighting he did on that dungeon took a lot from him. Even if it most of the dungeon wasn't challenging to him still his brain got tired after many hours, plus that fight with that knight whose name now was Igris took drained him quite a bit

Also he noticed that Igris wasn't a male as he previously thought... It was actually a female, yeah, he was  surprised as well after hearing that.

However her gender wasn't that relevant, Igris fulfilled his desires and standards, that was the only important thing.

Y/N eyes tried to adjust into the dark of his house, it was oddly darker than usual and barely any light from outside went through.

He shrugged not paying it importance

Once again he yawned as a tear appeared on the corner of his eyes

God he was dying to get some sleep but first...

The H/C haired boy sniffed his arm and wrinkled his nose in disgust.

Yup, bath.

That adventure left him with a disgusting stench on him.

He managed to wipe most of the blood out of his body but the terrible stench remained plus his clothes had dry blood stains. A pity, because this was his favorite set of clothes.

Y/N took off his jacket and threw it to the hamper, he could clean it tomorrow tonight he was absolutely tired to do something besides showering. He only hoped that the smell of the jacket didn't spread all over the place, that would be unlucky.

What he didn't know was that while he was doing all that a pair of twin blue eyes were silently preying on him through the shadows of the dark room.

Y/N stepped towards the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water to hydrate himself something that he really needed. He drank a lot of water usually.

A shiver ran down his spine. For just a second he felt a threat close.

Reacting rapidly, he grabbed a frying pan and threw it towards he thought the threat was the pan only hitting the wall.

"Huh... Am I imagining things..?"

Just after he mumbled that sentence he widened his eyes when out from the darkness a punch was flying straight to his face. An attack he managed to grab on time before it impacted against his head.

However when the impact made contact with his hand he was pushed backwards and pain scattered on his insides.

This surprised him greatly but he didn't had time to think before he felt another movement from his attacker which face he couldn't visualize.

The unknown figure tried to sweep his feet but missed since Y/N jumped to dodge it. He attempted to knee its head while still on air but once again he was surprised when the figure grabbed his knee without much effort

This dexterity of battle to not add the strength it displayed was totally out natural. He had seen this sort of skill on very few occasions.

Who was this person?

He widened his eyes when he felt a tug on his leg from that same person who gripped his leg and slammed his body on the ground slightly cracking the floor.

Y/N growled in pain but was once again pulled by his leg and threw away, his body landing on the couch of his living room. Luckily his impact didn't broke anything, he couldn't say the same about the kitchen floor though.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن