Chapter 20

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After hearing what the guy in front of her had just offered her she couldn't believe what her ears were hearing

"Huh? A what?"

Valiana said slightly taken off guard after the offer of a date.

When Y/N saw her reaction he started to think that maybe he went too straightforward or maybe a little too fast.

They weren't even official lovers yet. So offering her a date out of blue could be... a little awkward or off place.

But he knew how to make this work out.

"I said a date, but I think I'm going to change the offer. Want to hang out? Asking for a date was really daring for me to say and I don't think you can keep up with my level of boldness."

Valiana grumbled with a frown.

"We're going on a date then! Where are we going?"

Honestly, she saw everything as a competition when it came to him. It was cute... but also a little terrifying. For real, when he said anything he meant ANYTHING was a competition for her. Even on sex.

"Coming to think about it.. I haven't really gave it a thought."

"Weren't you always the man with the plan. I'm disappointed."

Y/N shrugged with a smile. He knew that she was trying to annoy him for her amusement but it wouldn't work. He didn't got ticked off that easily.

"Let's stick to the usual. Movie then eat. I was thinking about taking you to the mall or something, but I don't think you're that kind of girl. You got the tomboy aura yet you don't look like one."

"I don't know if I should feel insulted by that comment.. But I'll admit, painting my nails, going shopping and overall enjoying "cute" things isn't my kind of stuff. However.. do not call me a tomboy.. ever again. I am quite confident of my charm as a woman. Don't you have no delicacy

Y/N chuckled making her grow curious at his amusement

"What's so funny?"

"That's rich coming from you, the girl who basically eats its food like a wild animal. You're the one with no delicacy."

He was like that too. Besides eating high amounts of food he also wolfed it all out like a savage. Maybe his dragon-like instincts.

Her face went beet red in embarrassment.

"You're the worst! Whatever, let's just go the movie!"

She stomped her way out the school as Y/N chased her

When he reached up at her he tried to ease her anger.

"Hey I am sorry. Come on don't be mad at me."

"I'm not mad. However I'll act like a real wild animal as you say whenever we fight again. Just like the time I kicked your balls that day."

A smirk on her face as the memory of that day crossed her head. It was a classic.

Y/N grimaced at that memory and gulped.

On a fight they had time ago she did one of her kicks on his... lower area.

His body was hard to penetrate or even cause him any sort of painful sensation... even down there. His body was trained for withstand any sort of pain. After all... his special skill required a strong body or else he would explode. It wasn't a joke.

But with Valiana's level of strength it was different. He actually felt her hits and even feel actual pain. Apply that level of strength with a kick on his... nuts.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now