Chapter 6

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Issei felt how he was abruptly woken up by a strange presence

Opening his eyes he saw a black mist in front of the f him.

Confused he stood from the ground and approached to it. Then from the thick mist a pair of green eyes glow as they were looking down at him

This sight made him give a step back in surprise

"Thou would never get strong like that. Thou art the one who possesses the Dragon within. Do not be so pathetic. The Black and White will laugh at thee."

"That voice... Are you the dragon that came to me in that dream? Is that power up also your doing?"

Issei had previously heard that same voice on one of his dreams. He mainly thought about it as a weird dream but right now he was proven mistaken

"Indeed. Thou, My siblings hath wished and therefore you hath ascended to another level."

The way he expressed himself was rather complex for Issei to understand, actually he wasn't understanding a bit of what he was saying

"Wished? What are you talking about? I am not understanding what you're saying"

However the dragon didn't bothered to actually answer his questions and kept going on his confusing information

"One day they will appear in search of thee. We are destined to fight after all"

"Who the hell are you even..?"

"I am that which lives within your left hand. The Red Dragon, Ddraig"


Issei muttered his name to himself he had read about that name on the book which Rias gave him the other day

"Losing is not the end. What does not kill thee makes thee stronger. However that mean that thee must not lose the next fight. Lose and then win. Then keep winning and then they will come."

"What will happen to me?"

A red aura started to surround his left hand in a swirling manner

"Thou will not know when it does. Thou must become stronger before that day comes. I will always share my power with thee. However bear in mind that there will be a great cost. Thou art the one who decide what to sacrifice. Show what the Dragon is capable of to those who laugh at thee!"

While he was saying those words Issei felt as if he was sinking and suddenly opened his eyes back at reality

He saw himself lying on bed with bandages all over his torso

Turning his gaze to the side he saw the same silver haired woman from that day, Grayfia sitting on a chair next to his bed

"It seems like you've awakened."

She said quietly and with barely a visible emotion

"Why am I here? What about the match? What happened to the Prez?!"

He desperately exclaimed, he needed answers or he would go mad

"Lord Raiser won the match... Miss Rias... resigned"

Issei looked down in horror

It couldn't be. She was going to marry that guy... All because he was so weak to stop him

"I... lost to Raiser. How pathetic... Damn it. Why I am so weak? Back during Asia's incident. If only I was a little stronger. She could have remained human... This time as well... if only I was a little stronger."

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now