Chapter 49

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Years Ago.

These months have been hell for the young boy.

Continuous fighting. Non-stop battle. Blood after blood. Hordes of beasts that he only thought were possible in nightmares.

All of those monsters only sought to kill him without any kind of mercy.

This place was relentless, cruel, and cold... So he had to adapt if he wanted to return.

Humans could adapt quickly to the environment and he achieved such. Each battle strengthened the young boy further. Each slice of his blade was stronger than the previous one. He was growing stronger.

He had to.

After all, this place was survival of the fittest. The stronger would reign.

The young human stared at the fire in front of him with a hypnotizing gaze. The boy who was previously relatively scrawny and weak was now more visibly stronger and bigger.

His arms had a faint of muscularity but not too much since the amount of protein that he consumed wasn't in no way near adequate.

Finding food in this place was a hard task.

His eyes were more mature due to the amount of battle he went through. The continuous battle forced his body to adapt and now what he considered hard to do when he arrived here was just... a routine.

He no longer felt the extra weight of gravity each time he moved. Now he didn't cower upon a battle. In fact, when he saw a beast that desired to kill him he was grown with joy.

Now the beasts in this place weren't a threat...

They were food.

In the beginning, it was difficult to adapt his palate to the horrific meat of these unknown monsters. By all means, they weren't tasty.

One time he got an infection and fell ill for a week, but his body adapted to the poison that the flesh had.

But it was either eat that disgusting thing or die in this shithole

And the choice was obvious.

At this moment he was eating the roasted flesh of an insect-looking monster.

He ate the meat with an impassive look.

No matter how many times he ate this... It still tasted horrible.

But there was something harder than finding food. And that one was water.

Since this place was some sort of dungeon the sun didn't reach this deep and trees weren't things that flourished here. So he couldn't extract water from leaves.

However, he doubted that there was a sun in this place at all.

And those lucky times when he found the water was already contaminated. But like the food, he grow used to drinking poisoned water and his body now could bear being waterless for two weeks. And if he took a single sip of water he could last for another week.

Everything in this place was poisoned or inedible, but he made it work. Or better said his body made it work.

Y/N thought that it was weird how fast his body was adapting to this deathly environment.

His body could consume the flesh of a monster which is obviously inedible for any normal human. And his own body seemed to purify the contaminated water he drank.

And even if he didn't enjoy it... he grew skillful when it came to fighting.


But he wouldn't complain. For once he had a blessing on the bad luck streak that was his life.

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now