Chapter 1

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A thunderstorm roared outside the room. Various thunder made the windows tremble a little as the natural pearly lightnings made some light inside the room which was only illuminated by a few candles

On that room there was Azazel laying on a couch as his fingers grabbed the cigarette out his mouth a smoke of nicotine coming out his lips when he breathed out

"That kid is taking way too long. He assured that he worked fast"

"You shouldn't speak behind others people back Azazel. I thought you were a manners guy"

A voice echoed the run in unison of a thunder

Azazel smiled a bit at hearing that voice. Hearing the kid meant that the task was done and that itself was good news

"Is done, right?"

It came more as declaration than a question, Azazel trusted this individual which he could dare to call friend

The figure who was covered by the darkness on the poor illuminated room scoffed as a pair of purple eyes contrasted with the black that covered him

"Come on Azazel, you sound like you're new when it comes to contract me. Of course it's done"

He said as he walked out from the shadows and took off a mask which covered his entire face

Y/N stood there watching at Azazel who grinned and rose himself from the couch

"You look like new, I suppose he wasn't that big of a deal"

"Well he was annoying in term of mouth, he didn't shut up. But yeah no much effort. Want the photo of the head?"

Y/N was about to grab a bag that Azazel thought that the head was in there

The fallen Angel cringed a bit before denying

"Please no. I don't want to see his head, just the photos are okay"

Dragon emperor smiled putting the bag away and tossing the photos over Azazel's table him inspecting them and nodded in satisfaction

"Successful, as expected. Here is what we pacted"

Azazel grabbed a wad of money from out his coat and Y/N took it more than gladly

"Pleasure doing business with you"

After that the yellow haired Fallen Angel invited him to take a beer with him for some time

"Want to take a beer?"

Y/N looked at him with a faint smile

"I am underage"

"Enough age to kill enough age to drink, come on don't be a party pooper"

He shrugged as he sat on the couch and grabbed the beer Azazel handed him

The first sip Y/N took on the beer he wrinkled his face in disgust

"You don't like it huh? It happens the same with Valiana. Apparently Dragon Emperors can't get to like alcohol"

"It's not horrible, still I prefer water though"

Y/N replied back

Some time ago after he fought Valiana he started working as who he currently was. Labeling him as some kind of hitman would be wrong, he didn't worked for anyone who was willing to give him an amount of money, no. He worked for some specific people

Of course money was top priority but he wouldn't work for anyone just for petty caprices. To this time he only worked officially to one... Azazel was some kind of personal convenience

The Black Dragon Emperor (High School DxD X Male reader) Where stories live. Discover now