Chapter 9 (Simone)

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We lock eyes as I grab one of the axes. With a surge of adrenaline, I take off on a mad dash toward the observation deck, launching the axe directly at him. I've got him. I know I–

Poof In a cloud of bright green smoke, he disappears. Where the fuck did he–

Shit! He appeared behind me and swept my legs, putting me on my back faster than I could blink. So, he's fast. Got it. I hop to my feet and grab the other two axes. Let's do this.

I get into a fighting stance as he grins at me. Fuck this guy. I swing an axe at him, but he dodges the strike with ease. "Oooohhhhh... I like this one," he says, lunging at my throat. I dodge his grip and strike, almost taking off his head. Damn! He's really fucking fast! How can I land a hit?

I throw a combo of swings. Left, right, right, uppercut, left, left, low kick, right, high kick. He dodges them all... but why isn't he attacking? "What's the matter, Legba? You tired?"

He just looks and chuckles. "Mon ami, I been doin' this shit since before a teen, and ain't took one punch that I hadn't foreseen."

I have an idea. There's a loose board on the pier just to his left. If I can guide him to it, I can use it to my advantage. I throw an axe to his right side and lurch forward after it. He dodges left, just as I planned. I come in for a left hook, still holding one axe. He ducks just as my right knee comes up crack right into his jaw. He stumbles onto the loose board. I dash forward from the right, throwing the other axe directly at the board, shattering it. He dodges left, stepping right where the board used to lie.

He trips to avoid the hole as my roundhouse kick slams into his ribcage, throwing him back. He stumbles to his feet with an evil grin and something in his hand.

"A'ight, nie, this was fun, 'twas a good time, but don't you got a friend you tryin' to find?" More slick talk, huh? Say less. I start running toward him as he erupts in laughter, and I suddenly collapse to the ground. My leg just... gave out? He holds out a crudely made doll, showing he's placing pressure on the leg. He made a damn doll, and from the looks of it, he knows the pressure points.

"Nie, look here. I only talk like dis when I likes yuh... and you? You piqued my interest. But we can't find ya gurh while we tusslin' and carryin' on."

Thank the gods he stopped rhyming. "I guess you're right... I'll beat your ass later for drugging me." He tosses me a stone with beautiful glowing markings on it. "Follow the glow, you'll know where to go," he says as he fades back into the thick fog.

Alone again in this creepy-ass place. I fucking hate it here.

The glowing stone pulsates gently in my hand, illuminating the path ahead with an eerie light. As I follow its glow, the fog around me thickens, swirling like ghostly tendrils. The carnival's decay is even more apparent now, with rusted rides and faded tents casting long shadows. The silence is oppressive, broken only by the occasional creak of a distant ferris wheel.

Suddenly, the stone's light intensifies, drawing my attention to a dilapidated tent ahead. The entrance flaps flutter slightly, as if beckoning me inside. Steeling myself, I step through the opening and find myself in a room filled with ancient, dusty relics and strange artifacts.

In the center of the room stands an altar, and on it, a map covered in symbols that match the ones on the stone. As I approach, the symbols on the map begin to glow, revealing a hidden message. It's a clue, a way to find my friend.

I hear a faint whisper behind me. Turning slowly, I see a spectral figure materialize from the shadows. It's a woman, ethereal and translucent, with eyes full of sorrow. "You seek your friend," she says, her voice barely a whisper. "She is near, but bound by dark forces. You must be brave and clever to free her."

Determination wells up inside me. I nod, clutching the glowing stone tighter. "I will find her," I vow. The spirit nods and fades back into the shadows, leaving me alone with the map and the stone's guiding light.

I study the map, tracing the glowing symbols with my fingers. They form a path that leads away from the carnival and into the bayou. With a deep breath, I step out of the tent and follow the path, ready to face whatever horrors lie ahead. This place may be filled with darkness, but I won't let it stop me. I will find my friend, and I will bring her back.

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