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"What are you doing here?" he asked me. Lying next to each other in bed, Tae and I locked eyes. He seemed surprised, borderline angry.

What the...? I blinked a few times. Was this real? "I...uh...you invited me here?"

Suddenly, Tae's expression softened as he exhaled slowly. He threw the pillow he was holding to the side and grabbed me into his arms instead. I let out the biggest sigh of relief. "Oh...Tae..."

"Sorry," he said, stroking the back of my head as I laid partly on top of him. "I...had a bad dream. I was confused when I saw you..."

"Are you okay?"

A silent beat. "I'm so stressed about tonight." He did move around a lot last night in bed, more agitated than usual. 

"Everything will be fine." I made imaginary circles on his taut stomach with my index finger trying to calm him down.

He sighed. "There's this part in the choreography where we spin and catch our jackets. We practiced a lot but we only did the move perfect one time."

"You guys are gonna crush it." I playfully hit his chest. "You scared me," I admitted.

"Aww...come here." He squeezed me, making all my worries vanish. His hand moved up and down my back, under my shirt, caressing my bare skin. "Suni...can you visit me next weekend?"

A sparkle of excitement grew inside me. That was the invitation I was waiting for. Get cool, Suni! "Oh...I don't know. I have a pretty busy schedule in Cancun. There's this new taco place I want to visit..."

"Please?" His cute pouty voice forced me to look up at him. His dark chocolate eyes were inviting. "And the next weekend too?


"Do you want to come to one of our concerts?"

"Well...I already saw you once...it wasn't that great of a show," I joked.

Tae tightened his elbow near my neck and gave me a sly smile. I giggled at his playfulness. "I know you don't want me to pay for things but I can get you a ticket."

I nodded my appreciation. While we had breakfast in bed, Tae seemed like he wanted to be alone with his thoughts, so it was a quiet morning. He had to leave for rehearsal and Grammy preparation. My flight was in the afternoon so we gave each other goodbye hugs and kisses there in the hotel room.


Han was nice enough to offer to drive me to the airport, so I texted him around 2:00 for my 5:00 flight. I was taking my shoes out of the closet when the door clicked open. Surprisingly, Tae entered the room. It was my turn for my jaw to hit the floor.

"Tae?" His burgundy suit with an oversized floral-bouquet boutonniere and purple buttoned shirt took my breath away. He looked like a snack and I wanted to devour him. "What...don't you have to go to the red carpet ceremony?"

He closed the door behind him and locked it. "I can't stay long. I had to see you one more time."

I felt flustered and had to fan myself. As he inched closer to me, I checked him out again. His tailored look suited him so well. Sensing I was wearing comfortable clothes for a long flight, I looked very drab next to him.

"You look so good..." I couldn't finish my sentence as Tae backed me up against the closet door. He pressed his lips softly against mine, leaning into my body as he wrapped both arms around my back in a tight embrace.

"Babe...I'm so nervous." His downturned eyes showed the anxiety he was feeling. My heart lurched in my chest the way he was revealing his emotions to me.

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