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The night of that romantic date, Tae stayed at my apartment until midnight. After the members left, Tae and I cuddled on the couch watching TV. The best part was watching "Mr. Bean." His eyes were glued to the screen, eyes bright, taking in the physical comedy and laughing uproariously at the punchlines of each skit. It was endearing to watch him reach peak happiness, his big dark brown eyes turning into crescents, all because of a British guy doing dental work on himself. Sometimes I caught myself watching Tae more than the screen.

With BTS still having a light schedule, Tae and I saw each other frequently, about five times a week. Besides English lessons and TV marathons, sometimes we would go out. Walks around the trails of the apartment complex were fun, at least we were going outside and getting fresh air. Walks in a public park were a little less fun since Chan, being the bodyguard, had to accompany us. Every time we passed by a fellow pedestrian, those being few and far between, we pulled down our baseball caps a little lower to hide our identities. But at least I was exploring some of the little known places in Seoul.

One night, lying on the couch together, Tae said that I never told him when I started having feelings for him.

"Was it...how do you say...love at first sight?" he asked, cheekily, caressing my cheek with his index finger and playing with my earlobe. "When you watched our videos, who did you notice first?"

I hesitated. Should I tell him it was actually Jimin? "Who did I notice first?" I asked, trying to avoid the question. Hoping to distract him more, I squeezed his bicep. "Look at you. Look at these guns!"

He ignored me. "There are video shorts that ask 'who did you first notice?' Then they ask 'who is your bias now?' Then 'who is your bias-wrecker?' You know?"

"Oh...yes. I've seen those videos," I said, still being mysterious. He waited patiently for my answer, playing with a strand of my hair.

"Ah...okay. It was not me." Abruptly he brought his hand back and turned away from me. I leaned over to check if he was really mad. The pout/smile on his face told me he wasn't.

"Wait...Tae, don't be like this. How do you know?" I put pressure on his shoulder trying to get him to face me again.

"Because you will not answer my question." It was cute how he was acting mad with his lips sticking out.

"Okay. I'll tell you." Tae's face spun toward me slightly. "But remember the most important question is the second one. 'Who is your bias now?' That's all that matters. It's you, baby." I smiled at him and did an awkward aegyeo pose to make him laugh.

He turned around to fully face me with a look of awe. "I am your baby?"

I hadn't realized that I gave him a term of endearment. It just slipped out, as if my heartfelt feelings for him were too much to contain. I nodded and kissed him, a strong one to show him how much I wanted him to be my baby. I took his bottom lip in mine, sucking and tugging.

He broke the kiss. "You are still not answering the question."

I laughed. I asked him to guess so he went through the list of members' names. I shook my head for each one until he got to Jimin's name. I remained still. His eyes got big. He put his hand to his heart and faked getting hit in the chest. "Ah...that hurts. He is my best friend."

Giggling, I leaned over to kiss the mole on his nose, then his eye, and then his cheek. "But after meeting you, babe, and seeing how kind, caring, and amazing you are...you are my ultimate bias. And it doesn't hurt that you're the sexiest man in the world."

He got flustered and laughed but it was completely true, in my opinion. He reached behind me to hold the back of my head in his large hand. "Suni...I will make you forget that you like Jimin first."

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