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The next morning I awoke to Tae moving around the room, already dressed. He still slept fitfully the night before and being so tired from a restless sleep, I guess I overslept. When he noticed I was moving under the blanket, he came to my side of the bed.

"Suni..." he started, looking freshly handsome in a cranberry and brown Hawaiian shirt. "I have plans all day with my parents." I nodded, already thinking of things to do on my own. He removed a wad of cash from his shorts pocket and placed it on the bedside table. "Take this. For food and things."

My eyes popped open. I noticed it was about $100. It looked...cheap. "Tae, put that away. It makes me feel like a prostitute."

I turned my body away from him and curled up in the fetal position. I told myself I wasn't going to ask him what our relationship status was. If he wanted to just have fun with me, I could handle that. But he didn't owe me anything.

Behind me I could feel Tae climb into bed, his arm and leg going around me, spooning me. "No...no...it's not that way." His voice sounded hurt. "I would not do that to you, Suni."

"Well, what do you expect me to think?" I asked, my voice almost muffled by the pillow. He stroked my hair as I continued. "You invite me here for a few nights, we sleep together, I'm leaving tomorrow..."

I wanted to add "and I don't know if we're together." He was playing me and I was letting him. I let him pay for the plane ticket, but I had to set some kind of limit.

"Tonight..." Tae said, as he squeezed me tighter, his musky cologne awakening my senses. "I'll tell my parents I'm tired and come back to this room early. We can rent a movie and order room service." He raised himself to bring his face closer to mine. "Would you like that?"

I gave him a side-eye glance. I could play right back with him. "Is this a date?" I asked facetiously. His eyes widened and he froze. I giggled. "Just kidding." As I sat up against the pillows, I heard a slight sigh of relief from him. "Go have fun. Enjoy your day."

That day, I busied myself with breakfast at a local cafe, enjoying a cup of Kona coffee. Then I bought a ticket for a tour at a pineapple plantation that included lunch. Knowing I still had more time, I stopped at a shopping mall and bought a Hawaiian luau red floral print halter dress with a hibiscus pattern. After trying it on in a dressing room, I wore it the rest of the day. The neckline hugged and accentuated my chest and my bare shoulders glistened in the light. Perhaps this would leave a lasting impression in Tae's mind when he went back to Korea.

Unfortunately, I was a bit cold the rest of the day. The weather wasn't the typical sunny Hawaiian paradise. In fact, the state was experiencing one of their worst December days. So I was relieved when Tae finally texted that he was back from sightseeing in the evening.

I found him sitting at the hotel room's small table with trays of Hawaiian food, poke, musubi, and macaroni salad. He let out a low whistle when he checked me out. "Suni! I love that dress. You look beautiful."

I blushed as I sat down to enjoy dinner, I noticed Tae's cheeks were flushed red. "And you look...pink."

"I tried some whiskey today with my dad," he said, grinning.

"Do you have any to share?" I asked. Why not turn what could be my last night with Tae into a party?

He stopped mid-chew and raised his eyebrows. Then he smiled as he typed something on his phone. Minutes later there was a knock on the door. Tae gestured for me to hide in the bathroom. I moved quickly, bringing my plate of food with me to get rid of any evidence. As soon as I closed the door of the bathroom, I heard Tae talking to someone in the hallway. I couldn't hear the muffled Korean voices clearly but it seemed to be another man.

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