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Tae made a hand heart! He was performing "Boy with Luv" during the BTS online performance, he gave the camera a smoldering look, and shaped his hands into a heart. When I first watched it on my TV, I wasn't sure if he meant it for me but it still made me smile. Later it was confirmed by Tae when he came over to visit.

"Did you see me, Suni?" he asked, as we settled onto the couch. He held me close and I melted into his arms.

"Yes, I saw you," I replied, giddy with the fact that he was thinking of me, just like Jimin thought of Seonhwa on stage. Then I pulled away slightly to face him. His perfectly proportional features, framed by his wavy, tousled hair were marvelous to behold. Oh, my heart-u! When was I going to get used to his beauty? I couldn't resist giving him a peck on his kissable lips.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to the performance," I said, taking his hand and intertwining my fingers in his long ones.

"What happened? Are you scared?" With his other hand, he played with my hair. I wondered if I should tell him about Yoongi. The pranks were silly and I wasn't in any danger so I decided to keep it to myself.

"I just don't want anyone to get suspicious about us."

"Are you worried because you saw Jin in underwear?" he asked, smiling slyly.

My jaw dropped. I had completely forgotten that Tae would find out what happened with Jin. "Umm...no...I mean..." I hesitated then finally decided I didn't want to keep this from him, especially in the beginning of a relationship. "You know that was all because of Yoongi. He played a prank on me. I didn't know Jin was gonna be...like that."

A serious look washed over Tae's face. "I will talk to Yoongi."

"No," I protested.

"He should not do that to someone I like."

Inside, I was beaming that Tae would stick up for me. "But do you think he will listen? Out of all the members he seems the scariest, like he could be in the Korean mafia."

Tae chuckled. "Do not worry. I will not let anything happen to you. But I want you at the next taping. I want to see you there."

He showed me how much he wanted me by leaning back, pulling me with him, until we were lying down across the couch. We had snuggled like this before while watching TV, but this time we made out. Propped up with a pillow our heads shared, our arms went around each other's backs and our legs figured out a way to rest comfortably against each other. When my hand moved to his arm, I ran my hand over his long sleeve and squeezed his bicep.

"Wow! You've been working out." I let out a contented sigh to show how impressed I was. "You should wear short sleeve shirts more often. I would love to see those muscles."

His hand gripped my butt and squeezed. "Mmm...and I want to see this," he murmured as he ran his hand up and down my leggings.

I was taken aback by his bluntness. I laughed nervously. Was it too soon for this sexy talk? "Umm...you will...but not yet."

A low growl rumbled from within him as his lips captured mine. He didn't complain or protest so I had a feeling he accepted it. His kisses became deeper which made me want more. I liked this. I wanted this. But I could wait.

He broke the kiss, making me think something was wrong. But then he reached over his head for his phone and said, "Do you like to listen to music during...while we...?"

"Make out?" I asked, finishing his thought. He played "At Last" by Ella Fitzgerald as he nodded. We picked up where we left off. For the duration of the song, we kissed. Sweet, soft ones that once in a while grew stronger but then resumed to an innocent state. Our hands explored each other's backs and behinds, over our clothes. When I felt him playing with the hem of my "Love Yourself Tour" hoodie, he pulled away slightly.

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