Prologue: Sacred Distance

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(The Celestial Temple)

While Devon, Ky, Noel, Sora, Nex, Pax, and Riku continued on with their Mark of Mastery Exam through the Sleeping Worlds, their friends: Luna, Spyro, Cynder, Lumina, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Stormfly, Fishlegs, Meatlug, Snotlout, Hookfang, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Barf and Belch, Elena, Ken, Max, Tails, Blaze, Shadow, Storm, Kiyo and Zatch, Lucky, T.J., Sly, Bentley, Murray, Lucas, Oswald, Sonic, Mario, Peach, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy had returned from Disney Castle after saving Minnie from Maleficent, Dr. Eggman, the Deadly Six, the Koopalings, and Pete. 

Now they're in the Celestial Archive with The Inheritor, Vervada, Aptus, Atyeo, Drago, Mileena, Master Yen Sid, Ignitus, Yasuke, Derrick, Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, Team DVNT, Team THCS, Qrow, and Oscar. 

Also with them were Lea and Ina, who had traveled back with the group and was now standing before the six wise beings. 

Lea said something that shocked everyone in Devon's, Ky's, Noel's, and Sora's groups, including Disney Trio, Spyro, Cynder, the Viking Teens and their dragons.

Everyone: What?!

Donald: (points his left finger at Lea) Absolutely not!

Shadow: Is that even possible? 

Yen Sid: I had sensed something would be amiss nearly the moment Devon, Virtus, Noel, Sora, Nex, Pax, and Riku departed. 

The Inheritor: We all did. Makuta Teridax must have known what we were attempting before we even began.

Luna: But do you know where they are?

The Inheritor: You must understand, this examination is in no way how the Mark of Mastery is usually earned. However, in light of what they must do next, it was a necessity. If Devon, Virtus, Noel, Sora, Nex, Pax, and Riku complete their tests and find the doors to the Sleeping and Prison Worlds, they will return home with a new power. At that point, they will become true masters.

Bentley: But this sound more like a trial than a test.

Peach: Are they going to be safe?

The Inheritor: Considering their abilities, I would like to believe that they are. But unfortunately, all my efforts to locate Devon, Virtus, Noel, Sora, Nex, Pax, and Riku end... questionably. Teridax is an incredibly devious tactician. There is nothing we can do that he will not, to some extent, be able to predict.

Lumina: (looks down in sadness) So we have no means of finding them then.

Derrick: (puts a hand on her shoulder) Don't worry, cuz. We'll find Devon and the others. 

Yasuke: Derrick's right, they cannot be far from our reach.

Tails: If we understand this right, Aptus sealed up Malus' real body, but his soul and heart inhabited a different vessel years ago and when Malus, in his new vessel, became a Heartless, his Nobody, Xusmal was created and was a special member of the Organization, just like Nixa.

Kiyo: But when the seal was broken by the Dark Lord and Ataru, Malus returned with both his body, heart, and soul.

The group then looks over at Lea and Ina as they stood infront of the Inheritor's desk.

The Inheritor: As we can see, the Organization's members are complete people again. Xehanort and Malus will be no different. Therefore, we cannot afford another moment's hesitation. We must consider any strategy to outwit the Dark Lord and catch him off guard. I must warn you again, the road will not be easy.

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