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The next memory faded in to a new cacophony of noises. Amayeli jumped down from a tall tree and into view once more. She looked older, at least seven but possibly closer to eight physically. They were in a regular, deciduous forest now, America guessed it looked like somewhere near the east coast of her lands.

Amayeli took off in a sprint once more, she looked to be chasing someone. A blast of something shot past her shoulder. Looking back, one could see that whatever it was left an icy mark on the tree it struck, freezing the bark around the impact site. The young girl didn't look back; however, as she knew what it was. She just kept pursuing the figure that remained just out of sight.


Spectating nations found themselves intrigued by the chase. Russia in particular was fascinated by her heightened senses. All of the sounds coming through the rift were louder than they had ever been in his experiences; her laser focus on the chase rendering her senses even stronger than before. The footsteps of America's prey pounded on the ground like those of an elephant, every branch they shoved away sounded like tuneless windchimes in a storm. It made him wonder how she could be so loud at times -- one would think she would have deafened herself by now.

Prussia nodded to himself, Amelia had always been a rather frightening opponent. Her natural skill had made her easy to train, but he'd had to work on her excessive zeal. It wasn't always a good idea to let your emotions run wild during a fight. Despite that, though, she had been a great apprentice. As his mind wandered, Prussia found himself wondering how a battle between the two of them would end now, after over seventy years of them not having sparred together.

Diego was just plain confused, why was she chasing someone who had magic? He knew his sister had always loved the thrill of the hunt, but she never hunted humans. She didn't kill them unless she had a good reason. Diego turned to his older brother, murmuring his confusion to the taller blonde, "What is she doing, hermano? Why is she chasing someone?"

In the relative quiet of the large room, Diego's voice carried to the ears of other nations. Germany, France, and Japan being the most curious of them. Japan having only recently uncovered his face, deciding there was no point in avoiding something he was going to hear anyways. The chase did nothing for the three nations' nerves. Their heightened anxieties from the situation made their curiosity peak upon hearing Diego's question, also hoping for an answer.

Matthew turned away from the rift to look at his brother, "It was part of our one-on-one skill training. Don't you remember when we did that with you?" He cocked a brow at his little brother.

"I don't remember any attacks being flung around, we just chased each other around the woods, like a game of tag." Diego could see the parallels between what was shown on the rift and the training he had done with his siblings when they were young, but it was still different. They hadn't gotten very physical when he and Maria had been the ones being trained. At most, someone might get tackled, but that was it-- they had been too young for anything more. What was shown through the rift was a full-on fight in which his older sister was the pursuer.

Matthew shrugged, "You know Meils, she puts her all into things-- always has, always will. Plus, it looks like she's training with Seneca, and she was the same way."


Amayeli jumped into the trees, leaping from branch to branch, hoping to gain an advantage. It didn't do much, as her older sister was still faster than her. She wondered if she should use her magicSeneca had, so why couldn't she? The small girl tried to focus on her magic -- that busy buzzing that was always present in the background. She tried to hone in on that sensation, she had been getting better at it, but it was still a struggle at times, and to make things more difficult, now she had to focus on not missing a branch and tumbling out of the tree. Cursing her poor foresight, Amayeli stubbornly tried to summon her magic, calling that staticky buzzing to the forefront of her mind, letting it surround her. With a triumphant smile, she made a swift, upwards motion with her right hand, directing her magic to concentrate on a spot on the ground in Seneca's path. As her red-glowing hand reached its peak, the ground in front of Seneca jerked upwards, tripping the older girl.

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