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Third person POV:

As everyone else went to bed, Amelia found herself actually being able to fall asleep rather quickly, which was a rare treat for her. She slept for around an hour and a half before her phone rang from her nightstand. It was on silent, thankfully, but the sound of her phone case vibrating on the wood of the nightstand was just loud enough to wake her up. She opened her eyes and groaned, seeing the time on the clock before she noticed her phone. Picking up her phone, she groaned once more into her pillow, trying to be quiet but still unable to silence her discomfort. Her father, England, was calling.

She really didn't want to answer it, and could feel a knot of anxiety tightening in her chest. Maybe she could just not answer it and call one of her uncles or her papa France and ask them to pick him up? No, that wouldn't work, she doesn't know for sure where he is. It's not like she can just ignore him either, she had tried that a few times before but each time he just kept blowing up her phone with calls and leaving angry messages and texts. Taking a deep breath to steel herself, she answered the phone and sat up in her bed, not putting it on speakerphone like she normally would and trying to be as quiet as she could.

"D'hell took you so long?!" England's voice yelled on the other side of the line.

Amelia sighed, why did this have to happen today? It had been such a good day. "Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause it's the middle of the night?"

"Don' talk back to me! I oughtta smack that stupid mouth of yours right offa yer face!" He was slurring his words, great, this'll be fun. She rubbed her face with her free hand, wishing once again that he would just leave her alone.

"Dad, does your hotel have a bar? Is that where you are?" Amelia asked, she can't imagine he would have gone out to find a bar when he hasn't even been to this town before.

"Why da fuck should I tell you? Whaddarya gonna do, throw my tea out again?" He spat bitterly, though he didn't deny it and gloat about her being clueless, so he must be at his hotel. Good, that will make things easier for everyone involved. 

She quickly opened her texting app and sent a message to France, telling him to get his boyfriend from the bar before he either got hurt or hurt someone. France replied with a simple "ok," meaning he was on his way as quickly as he could manage. Unfortunately for her, though, England was still screaming at her through the phone, coming up with a number of colorful insults that only a drunkard could think up, some didn't even make sense. She tried to calm him down, but her efforts were fruitless, they always were.

Soon enough, his voice was directed away from her, to someone else who sounded like they were removing him from the bar, or at least trying to. She sincerely hoped it wasn't security. Moments later, the phone was taken from her father and a voice came over the line that assured Amelia her father wasn't being arrested.

"'melia, lass, you there?" Her uncle asked, his voice sounding concerned.

"Yeah 'm 'ere," she responded, sure she sounded as tired as she felt. Her papa must have asked her uncle Scott for backup, which wasn't a bad idea since her father tended to strongly resist leaving a bar once he got drunk. Something she could hear him doing in the background, his indignant shouts paired with French accented pleas to go back to their room.

"I'm so sorry about this, lass, I wish he would stop calling ya like this," her uncle apologized, but he wasn't the one who she wanted to hear it from.

"Eh, 's fine, I jus' wish he'd get over it already, er quit drinkin', either one'd work."

"Either one would be a bloody miracle," Scotland commented.

"Mh," Amelia grunted in agreement.

"Well, I'll let you go now lass, see you at the meetin', love ya."

It was an accidentWhere stories live. Discover now