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Silent tears forced their way from the corners of Finland's eyes and down his ghostly pale face as the rift faded to black once more. He could no longer face the dark rectangle at the head of the table, and lowered his gaze to his lap. The squeeze from Matthew's hand was grounding, but did not have the comforting effect that was likely intended. 

If that had happened to Amelia, then what had happened to Matthew? Had his native family decided that he and the other Nordics could not properly care for the twins, or had something equally horrific happened to him as well?

His babies.

His poor, poor babies.

His baby.

How badly had the fall hurt?

Could they have gotten to her before her native family had taken her back if he had gotten there faster? 

Would he have been able to care for her and help her wounds heal like a good parent?

Would he have been able to keep them with him? To remain as a family in the following centuries?

... was she happier without him?

The Nordics began to spiral in the privacy of their thoughts; the image of the bloodied body of the little girl they had loved so much seared into their brains like a brand. Sweden in particular couldn't get her bloodied face out of his head, her blank stare boring into him as bright crimson blended into the rocks and water. Iceland had buried his head in his arms long before Amayeli had finally lost her grip on the roots. His agonized shaking was noticed by Norway, but he could only offer the comforting weight of his hand on Iceland's shoulder, too choked by his own emotions to utter a word.

Matthew had looked away completely when his sister had begun her unwilling descent, not wanting more nightmare fuel of the broken, battered bodies of his siblings to haunt him at night. He kept his eyes trained on the hand Diego rested on his arm. Squeezes kept hands firmly attached to him from both sides, Diego on his right with his hand gently holding his forearm, and Finland on his left with his hand desperately grasping onto Matthew's own as silent sobs racked the smaller man's body.

The others at the table displayed looks of shock, horror, discomfort, and odd blends of the three. England refused to look, as did Spain, but they still jolted at the sickening crack that resonated through the rift when the small girl's body met the rocks. France forced himself to observe the fate of his little girl through squinted eyes as his hands constricted around his mouth, halting any sound from escaping his throat. Prussia's eyes were still stuck on the blackened display of the rift, his face scrunched up in empathy for his best friend while his brother leaned on the edge of the table. Germany had felt nauseous as soon as he saw America's body hit the rocks, and was now leaning his arms on the table while resting his head on the edge. Italy had stopped clinging to him when he had suddenly moved, going instead to clutch at his brother, Romano's, arm. Surprisingly, the grumpy Italian did not shout at his twin, instead he continued to stare at nothing, trying to process what he had just witnessed as he forced measured breaths in and out. China was in a similar state to Romano, but without anyone clinging to him. He had not thought the young nation had gone through any significant hardships, personal or otherwise. America had always appeared so upbeat, still unbroken by the world, but now he had to wonder. There was no motion in the silent room, except for the slight tremors he noticed in Japan. China's head immediately snapped to Russia when the tall nation's shifting broke the photo-like stillness of the meeting room. The arctic nation leaned back in his chair, taking in his surroundings with an intrigued expression and a slight curl to his lips. A fire sparked in China's chest, burning hotter as he watched the Russian. 

Did he think this was amusing? That it was some sort of game?

China's mouth twitched. He may not like America very much, but they were watching a child suffer. Children are pure, uncorrupted by the world, how in the world could Russia watch a young child suffer like this and smile about it

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