Chapter 14: The Talk Part 2

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Thursday morning came around and Sam was just finishing her breakfast when she got a text from Lincoln.

"Morning, Sam, are you free today?" He texted her.

Grinning, Sam quickly responded. "For you Ace, I'm always free."

"Why are you grinning like that? It's weird." Her little brother, Simon, said as he ate his cereal.

"It's because Ace texted me." Sam told her little brother.

"Ace? You mean that little boy that you keep hanging out with?" Simon asked.

"Yup, he's Luna's little brother and he's also my friend." Sam said.

"Friend huh? If I didn't know any better I'd say that you liked him." Simon said.

"And what if I do?" Sam questioned him.

"Don't get me wrong he's a great guy but you do know that he's barely a year older than me." Simon pointed out.

"And?" Sam asked again.

"And I hear that he already has a girlfriend." Simon said.

"Oh, I bet he does." Sam nodded. "He's a cool little dude who doesn't get on his big sisters nerves." Sam replied

Sam walked past her little brother and ruffled his hair playfully. As she came back from the kitchen after putting her dishes in the dishwasher, she stopped by her little brother.

"How about tonight we play Mario Kart? It's been a while since I've made you eat my pixelated dust." She asked him.

At once his eyes lit up and he eagerly nodded. "You're on! Tonight I'm finally gonna beat you!"


Lincoln knocked on the door to Sam's house and he was surprised to see her little brother answer it. Simon was a year younger than he was and was also about an inch or so shorter. Simon had the same blonde hair that his sister had but he didn't have any teal dye in his. He was skinny, similar to Lincoln, and he wore a green shirt with an orange bar across the stomach and blue jeans. He even had a bandaid on his right cheek.

"Hey, Simon" He greeted. "How's it going?"

Simon stood in the middle of the door, Greeting the the white haired boy "Hei Loud." He stated simply.

" your sister around? I um...kind of wanted to talk to her." Lincoln continued.

"She's here." Simon said

"Can I talk to her?" Lincoln asked.

"I don't know, can you?" Simon remarked.

Sighing, Lincoln asked differently. "May I talk to her? Please?"

"What's my big sister to you, Loud?" He asked instead.

"Sam's a good friend, Simon, you should already know that." Lincoln said. After all, Lincoln and Luna had both had sleepovers at the Sharp residence. The four of them had played board games together and had watched scary movies as well.

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